
Difference between website,forum and blog?

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  1. A website is where you can access information.. a forum is where you can access info and get advise from other forum members on how to fix a problem.. i.e. also on forums you can jeer the person who is posting or thank them for the info and also conduct polls (also done on a website) a blog is like a public journal of your events and feelings

  2. Website- A collection of files that are arranged on the World Wide Web under a common address and allows retrieval via a browser.

    Forum- An Internet forum is a facility on the World Wide Web for holding discussions and posting user generated content

    Blog- Short for "Web log," a specialized site that allows an individual or group of individuals to share a running log of events and personal insights with online audiences. Blogs with political or current-events themes have grown in popularity and become "soap boxes" for instant mass-audience commentary.



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