
Difference in 720p and 1080i on a 32 inch lcd hdtv?

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I am thinking about getting a 32 inch lcd HDTV and I want to know if there is a difference between 720p and 1080i in these sized tv's. I have heard that there is not, it takes a 40+ inch HDTV to tell the difference, so I was wandering what I should do. Mostly I will be just playing video games (Xbox 360) and watching HDTV from my cable company, a few occasional DVDs, NO BLURAY.

Let me know,

Thanks for the help




  1. 720p should be clear enough for most of people. However if you   consider yourself not an ordinary person and would like to watch your video, TV in less than 5 feet, try 1080i.

  2. For THAT really won't find a 1080P TV set.

    Most, if not all will actually be a 720 or 768 display panel.

    The engineers certainly know more than the both of us combined, so if you can't find a 32 inch 1080P TV set out there, then you KNOW there is a logical reason for it....

    And all those engineers have done their homework already...

    Believe me, they would sell 1080P if they could BEAT the competition's picture quality. And since they don't....

  3. There is no reason to get a 1080 set in that size.  720 is good enough.  (BTW, all LCD sets are "p")

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