
Difference in pay according to degree held?

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Here is a hypothetical situation: Someone retires from the military after 20 years, this person has no formal education but based on their 20 years of managerial admin experience the company hires them. They had earned about $60,000 per year in the military. How much do you think the company will pay them ? How much would that company pay them if they had a bachelors in business? Lastly how much would that company pay them if they had an MBA? (degrees are from small not well known colleges)




  1. He would be considered Government Employee. Every government year is marked to be similar to 2-3 years in the public years. So his military experience would be 40-60 years experience. So a company would look at it that way. But the Degree might be over run as experience usually is more looked at more then a degree bunny. Even if someone has a degree - it has to be relevant to what the job is. So if someone has General Studies that might be passed over. But  if he has specific degree's that are relevant to the job he can make alot. But since he has a degree or MBA he can demand alot. $80,000 a year with a degree and some years experience. But they degree and 20+ experience is about $150,000+. But if he has a MBA and 20+ years exerience and is a CEO, CFO, etc. can demand $1 million plus with stock options.

  2. Something less than a person with a degree and equal experience.  The military experience is always limited in scope and subsequent experience and also style.  I would say about 25% less would be correct.

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