
Differences Between Leninism, Marxism, and Trostkysim??

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I know all of them are a form of communism, and their creators were Lenin, Marx, and Trostky, but what are their diferences?

A small explination will do, but if you want, make it longer, so I understand better. Btw, to keep things clear, I am not comnunist or nothing like it, I am just curious. Thanks in advance!




  1. The best analysis of socialism in all of its forms was done years ago by a renowned socialist intellecual, Hal Drapper, entitled "The Two Souls of Socialism." I recommend you read that. You can get a free condensed version online.

    The simple answer is Leninism/Stalinism is Socialism from Above, Marxism is Socialism from Below and Trotskyism is Democratic Socialism. Socialism from Above places all power in the State to impose Socialim on the people. Socialism from Below, known also as revolutionary socialism is the proletariate revolution or the concept of endless struggle. Democratic Socialism is the concept of socialist infiltration into the mechanism of society including both progressives and conservatives. It places its revolutionary zeal in gradual transition towards socialism rather than radicalism. Trotskyism is the only one of the three that is anti-totalitarian, anti-dictatorship and anti-radical. Trotskyism is the intellectuals revolution or armchair radical.

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