
Differences and similarities between microsoft word and excel?

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Differences and similarities between microsoft word and excel?




  1. Microsoft excel is used mainly for doing arthemetic calculations of making a data sheet for accounts . we generally do not use it much for typing letters etc . its generally used for maintaning records .. where as

                   Ms word its generally used for writing text  letters , formatting of alphebets that how ot should appear etc we dont  use it much for maintaing record that require tables as in excel even though word has got the options for tables .. excel and word has got loads of other uses...

  2. word is a word processor and excel is for graphs.

  3. there both part of MSOffice

    one is a WP and the other is a spreadsheet  

  4. Word is used primarily for word documents such as school reports and letters.

    Excel is primarily used for spreadsheets, it's good for making templates for many forms in workplaces, or just reporting sales and such.

    The two programs have two completely different uses.

  5. Word tables and Excel spreadsheets share a few things in common, such as the ability to perform calculations on numbers in each cell. But MS Word is for creating, and editing text documents. MS Excel is for creating and editing spreadsheets.  

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