
Differences between customs around meals for u.s. and mexico?

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I am trying to help my Boss's grandaughter with her report???




  1. Mexican here..... never really did the whole family sit down toegether for a meal thing,, i mean we do it now and then but it's not the norm. What i noticed is the time of the meals is different. (well for my family it is). Like breakfest is what? around 8-10 for americans and for my family it is around 12.

    Lunch is arond 5 and we usually don't eat dinner. W.E.

  2. One main difference in customs is Mexicans still believe in sitting down as a family and eatting meals.


    i mean yes family virtue's are still fairly solid in mexico !

    but for the simple report would be , such as food ?

    tortillas in most would sub for bread's here !

    a soup in mexico is so hardy it counts as the main dish !

    where here its one course !

    meats are all fairly identical cept for the chile which we use ketchup ?  

    we go to the store for milk  !

    lots of folk in mexico still go for milk at the barn ( theirs or the neighbors ) !!

    and usually the parent helps their offspring and not the secretary !

    hope this helps !!!

  4. umm mexicans usually dont eat pink meat

    tortillas instead of bread

    eat huge meals

    pile food on their plate a mile high(my dad, a mexican)

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