I know the main differences in them is the hard drive space and memory space and all that, but when your talking about memory space does that only refer to uploading lots of pics and uploading videos and stuff? it has nothing to do with graphics? because all i really want in the ps3 is the one with the best graphics for games since im not the kinda person that takes millions of pics and always loads vids and stuff, the only downloading ill be doing is prolly the playstation store network thing or w/e that is, and ps2 backward compatibility. and i heard that the 80 gb ps3 can play ps2 games, but only 60-70 percent of them. for the ones that are playable out of those 70 some percent, will it perform the same exact on the ps3 as it can on ps2? but mainly all im really concerned about is the differences in ps3's and if the different ones have better graphics. like i have the money for a 80 gb but thats only cuz i heard they have better graphics, if the only reason the 80 gb is good cuz of space for pictures and stuff, then thats not for me, like i said all i need is the best graphics, and ps2 backward compatibility. and i plan to download from the playstation store and stuff. but another quick question, what when your talking about memory space what is all that refers to? like pictures, vids, downloading alot from the playstation store, anything else?