
Differences of solid and gas

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  1. Density: Solids are much denser than gases

    Compressibility: Gases are easily compressed to a large extent

    Rigidity: See next item

    Structure/organization: The atoms/molecules of most solids are organized in some kind of stable structure. Those of gases are in constant random motion.

    Transparency: Many gases are transparent, most solids are not

    That should be enough to go on with..............

  2. -solid particles are packed in a regular arrangement

    gas particles are randomly spread

    -solid particles vibrate at a fixed position

    gas particles move rapidly in random direction

    -solid particles do not take the shape of the container

    gas particles are spread evenly to fill the container

    -solid particles are held together by strong intermolecular forces( forces between each molecule holding them together)

    gas particles have little or no intermolecular forces

  3. The Particulate Model of Matter

    - Solids are closely fixed together and can only vibrate at its own position.

    - Gases are free and move in all directions.


    - Solids have a higher density than gases.  Solids are counted as the heaviest among all the states and gas is counted having the least density.


    -Solids have a definite volume and a definite shape.

    -Gases do not have a definite volume and a definite shape.

  4. Solid molecules are rigid and only vibrate in place.

    Gas molecules have the ability to move around freely and quite quickly.  

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