
Differenct between a program and a procedure?

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in system programming we've been asked this question also the difference between multiprogramming and multiprocessing




  1. Well yes its important concept that you has to be aware of if you do system programming.Although MultiProgramming and MultiProcessing are concept of Operating system.

    For all the terminologies Multiprogramming is the core. Multiprogramming is the process of loading more than one program into the memory so that processor can be kept busy by switching between any of the loaded programs. Multitasking is derivation of multiprogramming where the operating system treats the programs loaded in the memory as task. But multiprocessing mainly deals with the hardware. Here more than one processing unit (CPU) comes into the picture. Multiprocessing leads to parallel computing.

    The difference of these three words/computer jargon is that: 1. Multitasking is the ability of a computer to handle a number of tasks or jobs simultaniously, while multiprogramming is the capacity to run or handle several programs at the same time. Lastly but not the least, multiprocessing is the ability or capacity of a computer to handle or rather solve a particular task in various ways. Hope you will make some sense out of this.

    Mutitasking and mutiprogramming are basically one and the same thing, in which the computer handles many tasks or programs simultniously. but multiprocessing is the techniuqe of handling one or more jobs in different ways, like in mutiprocessor architecture.

    Multi programing means executing more than one program ,but here when ever the processor is idle during execution of one process it go for execution of another program.Where as in Multitasking,this is a combination of both multi programing and time sharing.means in this it will execute more than one process simultaneously.

    The term Multitasking is used when more than one applications/programs/tasks are being run on a single processor. On the other hand, Multi-Processing is the ability to use more than one processor (CPU), on a single machine.

    Hope this will help


  2. A program is a set of procedures...

    Multiprogramming runs multiple programs on a single the basic os....

    Multiprocessing runs one program on multiple processors (or cores)

    Adobe products can utilize multiple processors\cores....

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