
Different countries and cell phones???!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i live in the US and have a verison cell phone... i plan on visiting england and france over the summer and i want to know if my cell phone will still work over there for when i call back home. can i still text message? and will it cost more money if im texting or calling back to the US?




  1. Call Verizon and they will tell you..

    I am planning on going to the UK this summer and I will be taking my cell with me.

  2. If you take your phone to another country you will get nailed for roaming charges.

  3. you need to ask verison

    Text messages and calls will be a lot more expensive and they may charge you a couple of $ to receive an international call. To call home could cost you $2-3 dollars a minute.

    It would be a lot cheaper to use a pay phone to call home. You need to press 00 01 before.

  4. I went on a cruise to PR, St Thomas, St. Marteen, and Labadee Haiti and I got hit with some roaming fees on my VZW bill but they weren't too bad.  I had to add "I Dial" to my account, which was free.  It enables you to call from other countries.  My phone didn't text and didn't get any either.  I would just call 800-2-JOIN-IN and ask them if it will work in France or England and what the roaming rates are there.  I didn't talk much when I was away, so if you plan on talking a whole bunch then you better call for the rates.

    You can also buy a world phone just for the trip and it may turn out to be cheaper.

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