
Different discipline for boys and girls?

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Anyone here who had different discipline at home due gender or does anyone here beleave that boys and girls should be raised differendly due gender?

I grew up in a some how old fashioned family, had (and have) a good relationship with my parents but nowdays one thing started to bother me: In our family (and in my cousins family) the rules, and the punishments were some times very different for boys and girls. As a boy I enjoyed more freedom to choose my way around (hobbies etc...), later curfews, also maeby more encouraging particulary from my father. Still, especially in early teen years there was a more significant differences. Still got my freedom to go, but I was expected more to behave well, act smartly ... and got punished more. My sisters got lectres and maeby lost some priviliges, but for me, because I´m a boy (thats how dad explaned it) it was the spankings - not too bad or too often, but still got it.

I grew up beleaving then, that it´s ok. Do disagree now...




  1. Hi

    I'm a mother to 2 girls and one boy and they all have very different personalities. I firmly believe that each child is unique and special and because of that they respond differently to different methods of discipline. However, I don't agree with spanking either boys or girls and I'm sorry that your father chose spanking to discipline you.

    In my house, growing up i was expected to behave well at all times, cause I'm the oldest. My mum was much more relaxed with my brother, and quite strict with me. Maybe that also happened in your house. And even do I try to fight it, i find myself being stricter with my older daughter, than with my son. On the other hand, their father is stricter with my son. I guess it's just the order of things. Mums probably feel more responsible for raising decent, well behaved girls, and the same thing happens to dads and their sons.

    So, in somethings you had it harder with your father, but i bet you that your mum was probably stricter with the girls and made life easier to you.

    I sense in your words that this is an unresolved issue for you, and if so, it's just going to get bigger and heavier, so maybe you should consider having a chat with your dad?

    Good luck!

  2. It should be the same wrong is wrong boys or girls it doesnt matter the rules should be the same

  3. As far as discipline goes, I think that boys and girls should receive the same punishments for equal "offenses".  Also, privileges should be treated in an equal manner, and age should be the only thing that separates privileges between siblings.  I think it can be extremely alienating for siblings of similar age, but different gender, to be treated differently.  

    My brother and I got treated pretty much the same, we both got spankings when we were younger, and we got grounded or chores, or sent to our room, when we were older.  We didn't get treated much differently as far as privileges went. I can remember specific instances when my father treated us differently as far as privileges went, and I remember it bothering me, even at 6 years old. That wasn't the norm though, probably his strictly traditional upbringing creeping into a home where he TRIED to be equal.

  4. Me and my brother get the same punishments and privilages.I can't think of  one thing that we get treated differently and I like it that way.  There are times when he is expected to do more work but he is bigger and stronger so that makes sense.

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