
Different heads picture help?

by  |  earlier

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Can someone take the head from the first picture and photoshop it onto the pregnant girl's head its my sis and me plz help




  1. Hi

    Don't waste your time. If you want to do it, first and foremost, take the pics of both of you in the same spot and then we can cut your head and put it on her body because the lighting will be the same as well as the output quality-wise.

  2. I could, but it would look awful (and not because of a lack of skill).

    In order to do a half way decent job, one would need to have photos that were taken with the same lighting (color, direction, intensity, etc), and from the same ANGLE!

    The first photo is very blurry, as well.

    If you want to try again with two better photos, I'd be happy to do it for you then.

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