My family situation is very complicated, so I won't bother to explain that in full detail. The reason why I am asking for advice, however, is that some of the options for the coming year (which may possibly be mandatory), include homeschooling. Both my mom and younger sister are willing and happy to homeschool, and I think that it will work out very well.
The problem is that I think my mom has different ideas for me about homeschooling than I have for myself. She would "school" me (and my sister) in a structured environment, and although we would not spend 1 hour per day on English, 1 hour on math, 1 hour on science, etc., I would hope for something a little more relaxed.
My mom wanted to organize it like the public schools; completing their standards, going by their yearly organization, etc. I wanted to be able to learn about things when I am interested in them through reading historical fiction and biographies, watching educational TV programs and videos, etc.