
Different kinds of helmets?

by Guest10987  |  earlier

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i know that this might sound weird but what the heck is the sence of the idk what their called i call them pingpong helmets

i mean you have to land stright on the top of your head to have those helmets do anything. Any one understand what kind of helmet i'm talking about? i mean serously wahts the sence of wearing one of them??

I wear the total face ones that protects everything and i cant belive all the bugs that get splattered on it. Just today i was riding and all of a sudden i heard a loud thud on my helmet, right about were my check was, and when i got to the stoplight i took my helmet off and what did i see splattered on the helmet? a remains of a big hornet. I mean the last thing that i want is ot be riding and all of a sidden have somthing sting me, thats a god way to get into a accident.

And in no means am i condemming the 1/2 helmets but why do i see so many bikers wearing them? Just cause they cost cheap??




  1. We wear half helmets because Big Brother wants to be our mama too, and getting tickets is a PITA.

    Thanks for the spell check tip!

  2. I had a bumblebee hit my helmet at the forehead so hard that it knocked my head back.

    If it is a helmet law state they wear them because it is the least helmet you can wear and not get a ticket.

    In a non helmet law state they wear them because they are sheep and see people wear them in the Harley ads.  Wonder how many of their own customers Harley is killing by making half helmets popular with people who know no better.  True Fashion Victims.

    The three accidents I've seen where a helmet would be useful were all in the face accidents.  Barbed wire fence....his nose was hanging below his chin by a string of flesh.  One guy went face into a rock at fairly low speed.....spitting teeth and we thought his jaw was probably broken.  Another guy face first into the dirt....had full face but it was still very ugly, no full face and I think he wouldn't have a face.   Anyone who chooses a half helmet is a delusional idiot.

  3. Its certainly not the cost factor. Both of my 1/2 helmets cost more than any of my 3/4 helmets.

    Half helmets are much cooler and allow us to hear much better.

    Your hornet incident shows one of the benefits of a half helmet. With an impact like that it won't be thinking about stinging you. With a half helmet it would probably have just bounced off of you. I've twice seen other people riding with full face helmets, with the visor slightly open for ventilation, have large insects get trapped inside the helmet, buzzing around their face. One of them lost control of the bike and crashed. Its happened to me once.

    Contrary to what appears to be popular belief here, half helmets offer only slightly less protection than 3/4 or full face helmets.

    While only a moron rides/drives without a helmet/seatbelt, laws that mandate their use are at least un-American in not un-Constitutional. Regardless of what the big brother liberals say, we do not need a nanny state. My job is to protect other people from you and to protect you from other people, not to protect you from yourself.

  4. I think you are talking about this type of helmet, I agree with you, I don't want to eat any bugs or get hit in face with bees, bugs or anything else. the full coverage helmet with face shield is the safest on if you ask me.

  5. I fi read this correctly you are referring to a half helmet. they protect the top of your head and nothing more. i ride with a full face helmet and love it this ol boy don't get bugs in his teeth.

    Stright is spelled straight sence is spelled sense.

    Spell check works.

  6. A lot of people still think that seatbelts and helmets are uncool and want to abide by the law rather than protect themselves.

    Perhaps natural selection will slowly weed these people out.

  7. Those helmets are called "novelty helmets" they are very good in a helmet law state, it's like not having one on. Bad Company got it right.

  8. Because the MAN make us wear it.

    NO helmet save lives. They make it possible for an open casket funeral.

    It has to do with freedom of choice, something todays riders dont understand.

    My half helmet is DOT approved, it isnt a novelty.

  9. People wear the half shells because they don't really want to wear one at all. The law says they have to so half a helmet is as close to no helmet they can get.

    The only protection it provides is protection from getting a ticket for not wearing a helmet.

    I'll admit riding with no helmet feels really good. Not so much compared to hornets being implanted in my cheeks or worse hot asphalt.

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