i know that this might sound weird but what the heck is the sence of the idk what their called i call them pingpong helmets
i mean you have to land stright on the top of your head to have those helmets do anything. Any one understand what kind of helmet i'm talking about? i mean serously wahts the sence of wearing one of them??
I wear the total face ones that protects everything and i cant belive all the bugs that get splattered on it. Just today i was riding and all of a sudden i heard a loud thud on my helmet, right about were my check was, and when i got to the stoplight i took my helmet off and what did i see splattered on the helmet? a remains of a big hornet. I mean the last thing that i want is ot be riding and all of a sidden have somthing sting me, thats a god way to get into a accident.
And in no means am i condemming the 1/2 helmets but why do i see so many bikers wearing them? Just cause they cost cheap??