I work for a local rental car company and I pick up people at the airport to drive them to the office to pick up their rental car. I have found that people can be hilarious just based on where they are from.
Some of you may have heard the phrase, "down the road a piece or down yonder". How far in distance is down yonder? Well, I heard a new one the other day. This couple was from North Carolina and as we were carrying on a conversation she said "half in two" in a sentence. I looked at her and said "please say that again". She said if you have an apple and you cut it half in two, how many pieces do you have? Well, feeling dumber than a bucket of hair, I wasn't sure if it's 2 or 4. I asked her what the answer was and she refused to tell me. So: Question: If you cut something half in two, how many pieces do you have?
If you don't mind, I find these local sayings from around the Country very interesting. If you wouldn't mind, would you share some other local sayings that are common place from your neck of the woods?