
Different perspective for Bella being "IN LOVE" with Jacob.?

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I have a question I have been throwing around in my head for a while...

When I was reading the end of Breaking Dawn, it almost seemed like the only reason Bella ended up "falling in love" with Jacob was because of some strange connection, which ended up being was never really Bella that was "in love" with him, but only some part of her....the daughter she would eventually have. I was finally jumping for joy when she turned into a vampire and finally realized that her feelings for Jacob were not as strong as she felt as a human and that deep down, she never would have been able to live....or lack there of...without Edward. It seemed to me like her feelings for Jacob were only Human intuitions and that there never was any REAL connection when she looked more clearly at her opinion of Jake.

I just wanted to get some opinions on that and see if anyone else kinda thought the same way. :)




  1. To be honest , I think that Jacob would have been better boyfriend for Bella. Jake proved that he is a good friend to her.

    When Edward left her in New Moon , I thought that she would kill herself or something. She was like it's end of the world , Edward is not here , so I don't have any reason left for living.

    This shows us how unhealthy and abusive their relationship is .

    She's too dependent on Edward. That's absolutely not love to me.

    On the other hand , as I said , Jake is a really good friend , he helped her when she was in zombie - mode in New Moon.

    And the guy is just simply funny , sarcastic and has personality.

    Edward for me has no personality and it's a boring character , whom I fall asleep every time I read about him.

    And I think that Bella did fall in love with Jacob.

    They have been best friends during New Moon , so it's highly likely that she has feelings toward him.

    On the other hand , she and Edward didn't even become friends. They had a few conversations and they are in love.

    xx Greetings

  2. I never really thought of it that way til you just mentioned it.  But it makes perfect sense.  More sense than what I had thought...

    I thought it was just because she truly loved Edward more and that they were meant to be together.  And that as a Vampire her feelings for Jacob left because there's that thing between Vampires and Werewolves that they don't like each other all that well.

    I think I'm gonna go with your thoughts.  They make more sense and sound better.  LoL!

    And do you ever wonder if Jacob imprinted on Reneseme because she was part of Bella and that Bella's the one he really imprinted on.  So he had to go for Reneseme because she was next to the best thing possible?

  3. I think Bella being "in love" with Jacob was just to create forced conflict in the story because Bella wanted to be a vampire since Twilight.

    So Jacob was just a filler

  4. I think Bella wasn't really "in love" with Jacob as assumed.  I think she saw Jacob as comfortable and steady and because of what happened with Edward equated that as "love."  I think she loved Jacob, but in a different way as Edward.

    I think Jacob genuinely loved Bella and was drawn to her, but didn't know why and that the twist of faith was Renesmee.  It was almost as if they were fated to be near each other in order to bring Jacob and Renesmee together.

  5. Perhaps the "romantic" side of it might be, but even after the change Bella was still Bella, essentially.  I was rereading part of New Moon, and I was reminded of how Bella really did get along with Jake.  How things were just comfortable with him, and how they had a similar sense of humor and got along so well.  So even if there was no romantic connection, there was still all the makings of a great friendship.

  6. Does anybody think it's a bit creepy that Jacob 'imprints' on Bella and Edward's daughter? It's like that bit in Lolita where Humbert Humbert wishes she'd have lots of children (not his) so he could have them.

    Maybe he actually liked Edward all along not Bella...

    And yes, he was filler.

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