
Different question...?

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I really want to be put into a foreign exchange student program and I am really interested in going to Germany. But I don't think you are allowed to pick where you get to go, do you? And also do you guys know how I could get into a prgram and what the requirments???!




  1. LOL this is definitely NOT a different question! You'll find numerous inquiries about foreign exchange student programs up here.

    Since the country you want to go to is Germany, you're pretty much in luck. For most exchange student programs, Germany is the number one "trading partner" with the U.S. That means there are lots of slots! Technically, you will list your top three country choices, but if your top choice is Germany, you will most likely get it.

    As far as getting into a program, they all differ just a bit, but mostly they require a decent GPA -- nothing outrageous. For example, YFU requires a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for the semester and year programs and a 2.0 for the summer programs. One of the big things, you need to make sure the program you select is CSIET listed ( Also, chances are good you have exchange students at your school. Check with your counselor to see what programs he/she recommends. A program is only as good as it's local representative. You'll usually find that AFS, Aspect, Rotary and YFU are reliable everywhere and ASSE most places. I don't recommend AYUSA/INTRAX because they've had lots of problems.

    ONe thing to be careful of ... you'll see people up here "recommending" programs that are cheaper (yes, they ARE expensive). However, remember, you get what you pay for! The exception is Rotary, which is indeed cheaper, but more competitive and set up on a different system than the others.

    For lots of general info on being an exchange student, check out

    This is an on line community of current and former exchange students who have given lots of advice and experiences! Don't worry, they come from all organizations, so it's not a sales page!

    Good luck and go for it! IT's a fantastic experience!

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