
Different species of tree frogs in the same container?

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I'm just wondering if you can mix different species or will there be territorial issues/ just straight fighting with each other.




  1. sometimes it is ok

  2. when you mix you must be very carefull.

    THE big MUST is that no frog can fit in the others mouth at any time.

    If you are going to mix I will tell you what I have

    red eyed tree frog, american green tree frog, oriental fire bellied toad, green anole(which is a lizaed)

  3. mixing should never be attempted without years of experience a good knowledge of the species and a good knowledge of the animal in question.

    also u should never mix species from different geological ranges

    ok here's reasons u shouldn't mix

    common problems inculde

    Eating each other (its suprising what will at least try to eat what)

    Attacking/ killing each other (2 animals that dont normally live together will sometimes fight.

    stress (makes for ill reptiles just being near even a species from the same geological range can be stressful to these animals)(this is very noticeable in snakes but affects all other types of reptile and amphibian)

    Incompatible toxins bacteria and illnesses (especially with phibs but is common with others 2 just cause one species can handle one type of bacteria/doesn't mean they all can these animals evolved in totally different ways meaning there resistant to different things, as for toxins many phibs and invert have these as defense mechanisms and can easily kill or make the others ill)

    if u mix animal species of reptile or amphibian it takes care monitoring and health checks (usually for months) an expert knowledge of the species in question and a boat load of luck. even species that are considered safe can suffer from one or more of the above.

    i would stick to single species tanks unless u want to possibly harm your pets for some pipe dream

    one final note: it is ok to mix american green treefrogs and american grey treefrogs as they are very similar (it is thought they have only "recently" became 2 different species and still share almost all traits with each other)

  4. my friend told me his mom has a cage with a bunch of different poisonous dart frogs in it and i totally said he was a liar. like, arent those illegal and stuff?

  5. Sometimes, its ok to mix different species of frogs together, as long as they are put together at young ages. If you are talking about getting like olderish frogs, like anywhere after 6-7 month old frogs, dont try and mix them. But if are getting older frogs, they will start to fight and have territorial issues.

    Just make sure you dont house like 5 different species of tree frogs in the same container. Then you just asking for trouble!

    Trust me, Ive mixed frogs before of different types in the same container, and I had to learn the hard way. So just be careful!

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