
Different things in the royal navy?

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what is the difference between a ratings and a seaman?

Also what is it like to train as a seaman in the Royal navy? ive been on the RN website but i would like to hear from someone first hand.

Thanks :D




  1. each country has their way of running things. so yes  

  2. well i applyied for a seaman specilest in the navy and an aircrafthandler but the diffrance is that a seaman to do with ropework and a rating is a person who is just dose anythink that there told to do thats how i see it but if you are wondering i never got into the navy as i failed the entry exam and i lost all my dreams of it now

  3. Aye, don't listen to the RN website... mainly because the wee video of the Seaman Spec you get on there is Katie Churchill... and she's full of c**p. If her skills were as big as her head is... you get the idea.

    Generally, it's ok. You drive the ship's boats as an Able Seaman (whack Pacific 24 into YouTube, you get those on most ships now and they are the mutts nuts.)

    You are directly responsible, as an AB, for taking charge of upper deck parts of ship when you are deemed to be experienced enough. Therefore you, as an AB1, will be ordering other AB1's around since you are the subject matter expert in your area, and they aren't.

    The only real fly in the ointment is watchkeeping. Normally one in four, occasionally one in three when you are short handed, and one in two during defence watches. This knackers you until you get used to it. And as a Seaman Spec you are expected to turn up to all major upperdeck evolutions unless it is late at night and you have either the middle or morning watches. Quite often if you do turn up, the Buffer (Chief Bosun's Mate) will ask you which watch you've got and tell you to get lost if it's one where you won't get much sleep before you've got to be up again. That's if your Buffer is a good guy. I've met quite a few @rseholes.

    You are also trained as a tactical radio operator, GPMG firer/ aimer, and, if your ship is equipped with it, Minigun firer/ aimer, and Quartermaster at sea. All of these while you are still an AB.

    But the best bit is undoubtedly that boat... loved it, and it's the only thing I really miss since I've been out.

    Cybercom... lowest of the low are stewards. If you took them off a ship the ship would still run properly and be able to fight properly. You take all the seamen off, the ship might as well stay in port, coz it can't fight or steer. Consider yourself rebriefed.

  4. Having been in the Navy for 20 years and as a SEAMAN I find all you sad people saying that we are the lowest of the low, irritating little sh**s


    I joined as a Junior Seaman then, as age allowed became a Seaman then after experience an Able Seaman then a Leading seaman and then a Petty Officer.

    I suppose the t**d's slating off the lowest of the low think the same about the bin men...the road sweepers...the people that get their hands dirty in society. (Tory's no doubt)

    Ratings are all of the Lower Ranks in all departments. Deck, Electrical, Marine Engineering, Catering, Stores & so on.

    If you want to join then good won't regret it !

  5. A seaman is a rating.

    Consider it like an apprenticeship. They're not usually the sharpest set of knives in the drawer.

  6. A seamen in the Andrew is the lowest of the low. All they have to do is know which is the right end of a paint brush. They are nowhere near being the brightest of them, the technical trades such as electrical engineer, air mechanic and radio and radar tech are the smart ones.

    They all come under the umbrella of ratings, as they are not officers.

  7. We still play soggy biscuit. So essentially all the armed forces are the same.

  8. Rating - any non-commissioned person.  Seamen are the guys that are responsible for seamanship onboard - that is, ropes, cables, anchors, boats, the upperdeck, getting the ship alongside or off the berth, safety and survival and now - signals (ie flag waving).

    All ratings take part in upper deck evolutions, but there is a specialist branch ("seaman spec") who are responsible for all this stuff as their full time job.  At action, they man the gun direction platform amongst other things.  The head of the sub-branch on board is known as the "Buffer" or Chief Bosun's Mate and he is generally highly regarded.  He reports directly to the Executive Officer on most Ships.

    They may not be the most academic people in the armed forces, but I think to suggest that they are "not the sharpest knives in the drawer" or whatever is complelety unfair.  Out of all the branches in the RN, they are the most loyal, funny, hard-working and decent people I ever had the pleasure to serve with.  I was an Executive Officer on more than one occasion and I would have been lost without them and I would far rather go into battle with them at my side than almost anyone else.

  9. Most of the answers to your question are pure unadulterated gash.

    Ratings= All members of the Royal Navy who are not Warrent Officers or Officers. This goes from OD (Ordinary rate) Up to CPO (Chief Petty Officer). Ratings are also split into two groups Junior Ratings, OD to LH (Leading Hand) and Senior Rates, PO (Petty Officer)to CPO.

    By Seaman I am assunimng you are refering to the Job Title Seaman Spec, if so then as someone else pointed out be responsible for Seamanship evolutions such as RASing (Replenishment At Sea), Towing, Boat driving and also responsible for all equipment associated with these evolutions. At sea you will be watchkeeping, 1 in 4 is normal. I would suggest you look up the different watches in the RN (Forenoon, Afternoon, First Dog, Last Dog, First, Middle and Morning), to understand what that means.

    On the plus side the mob has some great runs ashore now, much better than when I was in, take a look, the Navy is a great place to learn a trade and a lot about yourself and how to work as and lead a team.

    On a side note to the lad who was slagging off the stewards even they play a role onboard one of HM's Sleek Grey Messengers of Death, who do you think makes up all the First Aid teams, trust me if the stuff starts flying you need them around. Plus who else can get you vittals that the Caterer doesn't want you to have?  

  10. Im not in the navy but have worked with them for a long time, im in the raf and was based on a navy air station for 4 years.  Your question really depends on what branch you wanna join.  A rating is a junior rank and is a phrase normally used in the fleet air arm and i assume you mean 'able seamen' which is what is known as a 'fishhead' which is a junior sailor.  There is lots more to it!

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