
Different type of ghost?

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Most of the ghosts you hear about on here are from the past, people who have died and not moved on. Are there any ghosts of people who came too early, who haven't been born yet? Like, ghost ova and sperm, or zygotes? If their life essence survives after death, why not existing before birth?




  1. Religion or science wise, I do not see how one could exist before conception.  

  2. no. how ever there are demons. they're ghosts that were never alive. i know they exist because i lived in a house that was haunted by one.

  3. Good question I suppose.

    I mean, why not!?

  4. Ghosts usually hangs out near places where a person used to live and are visible only to those who were emotionally linked to that person. The phenomenon causing this is well known : even when a person has rationalized the death of a loved on, emotional links still lie around and tend to over-react to stimulus like sounds, lights, smells that bring memories. You "see" or "feel" the missing person.

    You can see ghost of everyone/everything that you are able to have an emotional link with. I suppose that a woman really wanting to be a mother could see ghosts of her child but as the emotional links are not entangled with memories relating to real objects, such ghosts will more rarely manifest themsleves

  5. Well,I don't think ghosts have anything to do with the actual body or flesh, it's the soul that is still here or hasn't moved on or whatever. so I don't think it has anything to do with the sperm and's more of a question of when we get our soul..or does our soul already exist before we become "people". if our soul exists before we are conceived then sure, I guess there is a possibility that there could be a ghost of a soul before it is in the flesh...I don't see why a soul would choose to hang around before it's "born" unless it acts as a guardian angel of some sort to it's soon to be family or something...that'd be kinda cool. isn't this why a lot of people argue about abortion? because when should a fetus count as a we get a soul the second we are conceived?

  6. Sylvia Brown had theorized that before you are born, you and "god" make a blue print of your life.

    And when you have the sensation of de je vue, that means you are on the right track.

    I don't necessarily believe that. But just some food for thought.

    Your theory sounds more like cloning.

    Like your genes and such go into a new life before you're even dead.

    Nobody knows for sure what happens when we die and we can theorize all we want.

  7. this is possible.

    read the book HAUNTED by is a fear street series story.

    this explains about future ghosts.

  8. ther cases of having vision of future and you kids giving you speacle message from the future but not pyschical aperitions or enity such as ghost  but i herd of gods angles posing as   loved one from future demons lost that said ability when they fell but they alway bring a prothetic word and peronal message

  9. Who knows really?

  10. Being a ghost or spirit is about being trapped.  The prebirth spirits are eager to come here and become physical  bodies.  But there is only one way in and the way out is full of holes.

  11. I personally believe that ghosts are the leftover energy from events or people who once existed on earth. I think the earth has certain attributes that allow it to hold onto energy and I think that if something has not yet existed, it can't leave an energy behind.

  12. Because you didn't exist before you were conceived. The sperm had to meet the egg and then develop into a baby.

    I do not believe in sperm and egg ghosts. That would be kinda creepy

  13. Well...if your spirit it put into your body when you're had to have come from somewhere! Good thinkin'! I don't think a sperm and an egg can make a spirit.  

  14. Just so people who don't already know realize it, this guy is just making fun of you. Hypothetically speaking, if these things were to exist, they would be microscopic.  You can't see ova, sperm, or zygotes with the naked eye, they are single cells.  So, for them to be seen, hypothetically, they would have to show themselves in the exact right spot while you were looking through a microscope.

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