
Different types of rats?

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are there different types of rats?if there are what are they?




  1. There is no such thing as different "types" of rats. A rat is a rat. It is all the same species. There is no such thing as "fancy" rat either. That's just the term for all the rats that are not wild. So all pet rats are "fancy", and all other rats are wild and not pets so you don't need to worry about them.

    There are however many variations in rats. These variations include different colours, markings, fur types, ear types and even tail types. These occur through genes. These are only appearence. They are all the same rats.

    Sounds like your rat has markings of a hooded, and colour of champagne, beige or amber maybe. Have a look on this site:

  2. Take a look at the National Fancy Rat Society website... they explain the different markings for rats. I have a pink eyed hooded doe and two black eyed siamese does. You can mix and match different types of rat and they will get along fine... just keep the sexes apart otherwise you'll end up with hundreds! I think some of the strangest rats are the naked dumbos. They have hardly any fur and the ears are like elephant ears (hence dumbo). Personally I think the siamese are the most beautiful.  

  3. Ear type

    Standard - Ears on top of head, close together

    Dumbo - Ears large without fold and on sides of head

    Fur type

    Standard - With short, smooth, glossy hair

    Satin - Thinner, longer coat, with a lustrous sheen

    Rex - With curly hair and curly whiskers

    Hairless - Complete absence of hair

    Moc Hairless - May apear to be fuzzy at times and bald at times(double rex), or may have a bit of fuzz on face and legs (known as a fuzz hairless)

    There are all kinds of colors too may to list.

    From the sounds of it if she has curly fur she would be:

    a Standard eared, Fawn hooded, Rex (if she is the same color as the bottom rat in the pic)

    There are countless sites on rats, and genetics but the one I like best is

    this is also a good site

    good luck

  4. There is one Species of rat. But there are different Genetics such as the dumbo rat, rex rat etc.

  5. Fawn Standard Hooded  

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