
Differnce between male and female experince of school?

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As in ... from grade 6 to early high school years .




  1. very big diffrence! im in grade 8 going to 9 i had a really rough time in grade 6 in a new school i almost got in fights once a week so it made me shy and i didnt say anything

    in grade 7 i would be in the office because i wasnt doing my work

    in grade 8 i would be int he office because i talked even worse O.o swore all the time at bullys and became one

    now im going to grade nine and i was changed in a month by my gf i am currently going out with her for 10 months

    she changed me alot!! so i think the girls have it easyer lol

  2. Males: Get called g*y/f*g a lot, bullied for not sleeping with enough girls, abused for not being 'cool' and athletic and get called nerdy if studious.

    Females: Get backstabbed a lot due to jealousy/competition, get called fat when moderately thin, bullied for sleeping with more than one guy and get called sIut when prettier than other girls.

    Hope this helps.

  3. i really dont understand the question but i guess from my only experiences that differs from the guys is...

    The perverted guys. They dont know how it feels.

    The drama and rumors. Guys never really talk about other guys but girls now... they will go out there way to make sure they know that whomever is a w***e. If they are or arnt  

  4. Girl have it harder. Pms. lol


  5. guys find it funny to creep out girls with pervertedness

    girls r creeped out by guys pervertedness

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