
Difficult and complex legal question here, best answered by someone with a little legal expertise.?

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2 people attack one person, those 2 call police and alleged they were attacked by their victim, their victim is charged and arrested; the preliminary hearing rolls around for their victim, the defense supplies the prosecution and the court with evidence beyond probable cause that the 2 attackers committed a crime whereas no probable cause can be found to take to trial their victim.

QUESTION: In addition to the criminal charges being dismissed against the attacker's victim, what will happen with the perpetrators?




  1. Depends on several factors:

    the extend of the victim's injuries (aggravated battery or assault, etc.)

    the charges imposed by the DA

    whether the prepetrators have a previous criminal record

    sentencing is up to the judge - he can impose a minimum or maximum sentence: jail time, suspended sentence, house arrest, probation,

    restitution or a combination of these

  2. the most probation.

  3. The person that was attacked would have to press charges against the attackers. Other than that, probably nothing would happen.

    If the one that was attacked was smart, they would also sue the attackers to pay for lawyer fees, and medical fees.

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