
Difficult co-workers???

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I work for a concrete construction company and I am the only female in the office. When I was hired for this position, I thought it would be great to work with all men because I figured there would be less drama than there would be if I worked with all women. But 2 particular co-workers are always on my butt about petty little things, ie: mistakes made prior to my employment with this company, they make rude comments about how women hard to deal with, etc..get the picture? Now I really liked my job up until about a month or so ago, the actions between the 2 other co-workers is getting unbearable. There have been days I've even left in tears. I'm a single mom so obviously I have to work otherwise I would just walk!! If anyone has any helpful input on this it would be much appreciated.




  1. Does sound like discrimination and excessive monitoring.

    Document all incidents, report to ur immediate supervisor.

  2. Have you spoken to the boss about this?  You might, depending upon your boss' reaction, just request that they refrain from speaking to you at all.  You have a right to do your job in peace.

  3. Give it right back to them!

    Say, Don't blame me for what the person who sat here before me did!

    They are just bullies that never grew up.

    The boss doesn't want or need to deal with this unless it becomes real harassment right now it just sounds like office bullying!

    Be Strong Go get them!

  4. It sounds like a really terrible work environment.  You need to take care of this ASAP for your own mental health!  Have you tried speaking to a supervisor?  If that doesn't help, or even before you take that approah, I think you need to stand up for yourself with these men.  Next time they do/say something, with a loud, authoritative voice, tell them that their behavior is unacceptable and that you aren't going to take it anymore.  If they have a problem with the work you are doing, they can come talk to you about it.  Otherwise, this stuff isn't your fault and you aren't going to take this 'harrassment' (using that word alone may just scare them off).  You're done being their punching bag.  Practice what you can say a few times so you're confident in what you say when the time comes.  Until you stand up for youself, they'll likely keep walking all over you (they probably do this just to feel macho since they don't think they can get away with it with any of the male co-workers).  If all else fails, it's time to send out resumes.  Keep the job only until you have a new one lined up.  Word of mouth is an excellent way of finding a job, so start talking to everyone you know to see if they know of any job openings.  Good luck!

  5. This is really difficult because you are the new person and the only woman so the last thing you want to be seen as is a troublemaker or a whiner.

    I have always found that attack is a great defense against bullies. Make THEIR lives a misery. Maje jokes at their expense in fron t of the others. Hide their coffee cups (or glue them to the lunchroom table) Do it all in a very good natured way so that you cannot be accused of aggression.

    I think they are picking on you because you have shown yourself to be a soft target. Toughen up and try to save the tears for when you get home because having made you cry to a bully is like hitting a home run.

    And keep telling yourself that they are so awful that they probably never get any s*x! It will make it easier to cope with them  if you can learn to see their ridiculous side and laugh at them for it  :)

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