
Difficult decision about university?

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okay so me and my boyfriend are both 16, been together for a year and a half now. we both want to go to uni, but i want to go to bristol and do a veterinary degree which lasts 5 years. he wants to be an architect but i don't think they do an architecture degree at bristol. he says that he'd rather move to bristol with me than go to university somewhere else, but i don't want him to sabotage his chances at doing his dream job. however i can't imagine not being with him and it'd be lovely for him to be with me in bristol, providing i get in. i really want to go to bristol but i don't want to break up with him, as i'm sure it would happen if we didn't live near each other, however hard we tried. i know it's early to start thinking about this but i'd just like to know what to do.




  1. What ever you do, DO NOT make choices about college courses and colleges based on your relationship.  I made that mistake, and regretted it.. ended up in a uni I hated doing a stupid course, and I didn't wanna drop out because my boyfriend had said that if we went to uni in separate cities we'd just break up, and we ended up doing it anyway.  At your age, your relationship should come second - I know you love him and want to be with him, but your young and should be selfish, and plan for YOUR future, before you plan for your future together.  If your meant to be you'll stay together - even if your apart during the week.

  2. According to Bristol UWE website they do do an Architect degree and welcome to Bristol when you get here!

  3. The first task is to ensure you qualify.

    Then (or in the near run-up to then) make your choices.

  4. Why don't you both go to Cambridge?

    They do architectural and veterinary degrees!


    Nat - You do know precisely just how difficult it is to get a place in ANY university to study veterinary medicine don't you? It's probably more difficult than wangling a place in an Oxbridge college.

  5. How about a college that is only a few hours away - that woudl work you could see each other on the weekends. College is rough enough without trying to see your boyfriend every night - you are going to fail scholl and end up pregnant if you guys don't slow it down. Go to different schools or you'll get sick of each other real soon - trust me i know

  6. I guess you will both be going to college together. Me and my boyfriend have been together 2years and a bit. I go to college and he works. However, we have our own day routines but see each other when we can and talk in between. It's hard when you won't be together but that may make you both stronger and then you will know what you both can go through. Good luck with Uni and your relationship.

  7. you may not even be together by the time you finish your A Levels.

    If you are, well done. You should chose the uni's that will offer you the best course - you can still visit each other at weekends.

  8. My boyfriend and I, not me and my boyfriend .. if you want to get into a university. However go to separate schools and then you will know if you are really made to be together. Ever hear the phrase, if you love some thing, let it go and if it comes back, it is really yours?

  9. i live in Bristol, its ******* mint! Best place in the UK if you ask me mind :D

  10. it will be easier to figure out when the time comes.  so for now, just live your lives and be happy and both of you work for your own seperate goals, when the time comes you will make the right decision.  if its meant to be it will happen :)

  11. I agree that you are thinking way too far ahead, but in my opinion, he should NOT give up what he wants to do. If something happens after he follows you to uni and he becomes unhappy, feelings of blame and resentment will fall onto you.

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