
Difficult egypt question?

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Could someone possibly give me a short description of history of ancient egypt concerning what role negores had in egypt, when they got there, how and who were egyptian races?




  1. They were white or black...there's "White Egypt " and "Black Egypt"...but in my mind they had oriental eyes

  2. wikipedia.

  3. before egypt, some lebanese people traveled there and built the pyramids and started everything, set up egypt and showed the natives how to continue.

  4. google it !

  5. they live in egypt.

  6. Dont worry. Your question isnt that difficult!

    The actual (black) race that you are looking for is the Nahsi of ancient Egypt (or even the Nubians of Nubia, but they are later)

    But the Nahsi is my guess.

    It will take many pages to answer your question so I will rather give you links.

    Here is Truly great one:

    It will give you a summary of EVERY single Egyptian race and ancestors (The beginning of the document looks like gibberish but simply scroll down a bit. Its a very good paper)

    With an example summary here:

    "South of Syene lay the numerous black tribes, the so-called Nahsi

    or Negroes, inferior in civilisation but turbulent and im-

    patient of subjection. The skirts of the Eastern desert

    were held by wandering tribes called Satu, not yet sub-

    jected to the arms and discipline of Egypt. The

    Western frontier was menaced by the Tahennu or

    Libyans, but the waters of the Mediterranean had not as

    yet been infested as at a later period by the Phoenicians

    and Greeks, who exercised the arts of p****y and com-

    merce. Beyond the North-eastern desert, in which

    resided the Herusha or Inhabitants of the Waste, were

    the Menat, perhaps also a Shepherd race, the dwellers

    of Northern Asia ; and hazily in the distance were seen

    the nascent forms of the Empires of Babylon and As-

    syria, and the slowly rising power of the Phoenician

    states and Syrian kingdoms."

    This link is a Great summary also:

    Also see:

  7. About the Egyptians ethnic group, here are some DNA anthropological and bioanthropological studies, also some blood types researches.

    don't believe morons Egyptians are very homogenous.

    The famous Egyptian Anthropologist Dr. gamal Hemdan said that the number of Arabs in Egypt since their invasion and till now is between 500,000 and 2,000,000 only out of Egypt's 78,000,000. He said this is the most expected number according to scientific and logical basis. And another anthropologist called Mery said similarly that their number is 500 thousand only.

    Also a lot of anthropological studies were conducted and proved that 91% of Egyptians are Eastern Hamitics -(who you could call: ancient egyptians or copts)-. The Eastern Hamitics are descendents of the Hamitic Family which descends from the Mediterranean Race which descends from the Caucasian Family.

    *Before the discoveries at Giza, scientists in Cairo had been analyzing the DNA of modern Egyptians. Now, they had successfully extracted the DNA from the ancient bones. And a genetic comparison established a firm relationship and recognized its solid existence. The results were definitive. DR. Moamena Kamel (IMMUNOLOGIST, CAIRO UNIVERSITY): People who are living here, they are the same as the people who had been living 6000 years ago. And now the moderns are the descendants of these ancient Egyptians. The DNA confirmed a close relationship between the modern Egyptians living in the Nile Valley and the ancient workers who had been buried there.

    *Royal Ontario Museum

    The ancient population of Egypt has never been extinguished nor replaced, but is in fact ancestral to most of the modern population of Egypt. Ancient Egyptians looked very much like modern Egyptians; the faces on the walls of tombs and temples can be matched by the faces to be seen on the streets of modern Cairo.

    Our great egyptologist Dr. Zahy Hawwas conducted another research with different bioanthrolpolgists and anthropologists who found that Egyptians are not Arabs".

    Also Dr. Gamal Hemdan and Dr. Seligman the awesome anthropologist said that Egyptians -ancients and modern ones- are Eastern Hamitics who descend from the Mediterranean Race which descends from the Caucasian Family.

    *Work has been going on at Cairo University Medical School to compare the DNA taken from the 4,500-year-old bones of workers found at pyramid sites to DNA taken from modern Egyptians. Results, says Dr. Tyldesley, said that the pyramid builders were the ancestors of modern Egyptians. Interestingly DNA studies at the University of Cairo report that there are little differences between modern and ancient Egyptians.

    The Anthropological Results:

    *Egyptians: 91% 69 millions 160 thousands,

    *Domari Gypsies: 1.3 million,

    *Nubians: 2 million,

    *Turks: 1 million

    *Arabs: 2 million,

    *Beja: 63 thousands,

    *Amazigh (Berber): 6 thousands-30 thousands,

    *Greeks: 180 thousands,

    *Magyars: 4 thousands,

    *Italians: 18 thousands 665 hundreds,

    *French: 2 thousands,

    *Armenians: 4 thousands.

    *Other ethnicities (Circassians, Kurds, Abazas, Persians,...etc: hundreds or tens.

    and if you are able to read arabic, here are other studies:

    *يتحدث بهذا الصدد العالم المصرى الدكتور جمال حمدان فى موسوعته (شخصية مصر) فى الجزء الثانى منها فيقول: "بل إن المسلمين الذين إنحدروا من الأصل المصرى الأول دون التأثر بالدم العربى هم ببساطة شديدة أضعاف أضعاف أولئك الذين تأثروا به, و هم بالتالى عشرات أضعاف المسيحيين أنفسهم". ليقطع بذلك ألسنة المفتونين المتطرفين الذين يَدَّعون أن مسلمو مصر ليسوا مصريين بل إنهم عرب وافدون أو مخلطون عربياً. و يؤكد مرة أخرى على هذه النقطة بقوله أن معظم المسلمين المصريين اليوم إنما هم معظم القبط المصريين أسلموا بالأمس بمثل ما أن مسيحيى اليوم هم قبط الأمس الذين إستمروا على عقيدتهم السابقة.

    *يقول الدكتور جمال حمدان بخصوص أصل المصريين: "الرأى السائد بين جمهرة الأنثروبولوجيين و الأكثر قبولاً لديهم كان ولا يزال حتى الآن هو رأى سليجمان, جوهر النظرية أن المصريين القدماء ينتمون أساساً إلى مجموعة الحاميين الشرقيين, الذين ينتشرون حالياً فى كل شمال شرق أفريقيا حتى القرن الأفريقى و الذين يؤلفون مع الحاميين الشماليين فى شمال غرب أفريقيا (أى إقليم أطلس أو الأمازيغ) مجموعة لغوية واحدة". و يوضح أيضاً دكتور حمدان أن المصريين فى مصر و الأمازيغ (الليبيون و التونسيون و الجزائريون و المغربيون) قد إحتفظوا بلونهم القمحى لأنهم سكنوا عروض معتدلة ذات مناخ لطيف أما البجا و النوبيون (السودانيون) و الصوماليون بالرغم من أنهم أخوة الأمازيغ و المصريين فى الجنس الحامى إلا أنهم قد إكتسبوا لونهم الأغمق هذا بعد اللون القمحى لكونهم إستقروا فى عروض مدارية حارة و إمتزاج قلة منهم مع العناصر الزنجية, و أمازيغ موريتانيا (الموريتانيون) قد إكتسبوا أيضاً بعض السمرة الزائدة بسبب موقع موريتانيا المدارى. مما يعنى أن المصريون هم أخوة "الليبيين و التونسيين و الجزائريين و المغربيين و الموريتانيين-هؤلاء أمازيغ-" و أخوة النوبيين (السودانيين) و البجا و الصوماليين. و يقول أيضاً دكتور جمال حمدان أن المصريون و الحاميون عاماً أقرباء بعيدين للعرب و للأوروبيين, فيقول عن المصريين و العرب: "بدليل أوجه التشابه العديدة بينهما لغوياً و حضارياً فضلاً عن الصفات الجسمية ذاتها التى تجعلهما معاً أقارب للأوروبيين من جنس البحر المتوسط كما رأينا, إنهما أقارب بعيدون نوعاً". و يقول أيضاً عن المصريين و الأوروبيين: "و الواقع أن المصرى العادى أقرب شئ من الناحية الأنثروبولوجية إلى أن يكون أوروبياً ملوناً بصبغة خفيفة للغاية أو بطبقة باهتة من السمار أى نسخة ملونة بدرجة أو بأخرى من الأوروبى غير الألبى. و إذا كان من نافلة القول أن المصرى و الأوروبى كليهما قوقازى و كان من البديهى أن المصرى ليس أوروبياً, فلعل التشخيص الدقيق يتلخص فى أن نقول إن المصريين جنسياً هم أساساً أنصاف أو أشباه أوروبيين بتعبير كيث". ملخص هذا أن المصريون و جميع بلاد شمال أفريقيا و وادى النيل حتى القرن الأفريقى هم أخوة من الجنس الحامى, أما العرب الساميون و الأوروبيون اليافثيون فهم أقرباء بعيدون لنا نحن الحاميين على أساس إنتساب الثلاثة جميعاً إلى جنس البحر المتوسط القوقازى.

    *يقرر الأنثروبولوجى فون كريمر أنه لخطأ أن نسمى المصريين عرباً و يؤيده معظم العلماء منهم دكتور جمال حمدان.

    *بخصوص نسب جنس مصر يقول العالم حمدان: "معظم منطقة هذا الحوض تتبع الجنس الرئيسى الذى تنتمى إليه مصر و هو جنس البحر المتوسط القوقازى".

    *أثبت علماء الأنثروبولوجيا و الأجناس و السلالات و علماء الهندسة الوراثية أن الـ(DNA) الحامض النووى للمصريين فى الوقت الحاضر له نفس التسلسل الوراثى للحامض النووى (DNA) للفراعنة الذى أخذوه من عظامهم, و وجدوه مختلف عن التسلسل الوراثى للعرب سواءً القدماء أو المحدثون.

    *أثبت الأنثروبولوجيان "بروجوجنينى تارلى" و "جى باولى" عام 1982 أن فصائل الدم A B O الخاصة بقدماء المصريين قد أوضحت عدم وجود أى فوارق واضحة أو ملحوظة بينها و بين فصائل الدم الخاصة بالمصريين الحاليين.

    *قام كل من "لورنج برَيس" و "لوسيا ألِن يورش" و "جون روب" و "كارى براندت" و "رَسِل نلسون" و هم علماء أنثروبولوجيا طبيعية من متحف الأنثروبولوجيا بمِتشجِن و العالم ديفيد ترِيسر من قسم الأنثروبولوجيا بجامعة واشنطن بعمل مجموعة من الدراسات على جماجم و وجوه الهياكل العظمية المصرية و إستنتجوا نتائج مماثلة بالرغم من عمل كل مجموعة على حده

    91% of Egyptians are Eastern Hamitics. The Eastern Hamitics are descendents of the Hamitic Family which descends from the Mediterranean Race which descen

  8. The ancient Egyptian people were of no one race or genetic background.It was likely the first truly multicultural civilisation.

    The Nubian's were always considered to be a great asset in the Egyptian military for their skills as archers and in the 3rd Intermediate Period the 25th Dynasty saw the rise of the Kushite Kings who were also of black African origin.

    This was during a period of threat from the Assyrians and internal civil unrest. Shabataka led his  Egypto-Nubian army into Palestine where they drew on allies but were still  defeated in battle and withdrew.

    His successor Taharqa appears to have concentrated in settling Egypt's internal affairs and beginning major building projects in both North and South of Egypt and Nubia.

    There were a series of Kushite pharaohs during the 25th Dynasty c721BCE-656 BCE,  but not a lot is known about their individual reigns.

    By the 26th Dynasty the Assyrians had taken control of Egypt from the North and the the Kushite nobles had evacuated Egypt.

    addit: The first people to make permanent settlement in Egypt most likely came from Europe at the end of the last ice age either crossing the then existent land bridge where Gibraltar now is or via the bottleneck at the northeast of the country.

    This was first theorised by Wallis Budge on of the "fathers" of Egyptology and modern studies have validated this to become accepted fact.

  9. negores  - this is a discriminatory word, all this talk about races reminds me of a mustache man in germany

  10. all of north africa and middle east are mixed, iv never seen or experinced racism or inequality based on race or skin colour.

    egyptians in teh past were of all colours soem were very very dark skined, every type of shade you can imagine, pharoahs were black and mixed. we are all mixed thats teh good thing about being arab we are all mixed up lol.

    i have berber native african blood in me as well as arabian blood.


  11. Look, egyptians are mixed-race because long time ago Egypt was an important stop on the trade road from west t o east & pple with different colors lived together without any conflict. I mean racism was/is never seen in the Egyptian culture.& black people had the role of any other one in Egypt

  12. The argument that Ancient Egypt was African deserves to be put.

    Of course, there was also mixing with the Semitic-speaking peoples (the Akkadians, Phoenicians and Hyksos, the people of Babylonia and Assyria, and later the invading Arab armies) and with Indo-Europeans (elements of the Mitanni, Hyksos, Hittites and Sea Peoples; the invading Persian Empire, the Greeks that came in Alexander's wake; then the Romans).

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