
Difficult mother?

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I posted a question earlier about an angry mom. She's angr6y because as of today, I am terminating the contract we had for care for her son. I do not feel he is compatible with the other children and caring for him takes away from caring for my own child and the other two children I watch. This mother has been harassing me, yelling at me and threatening to sue me over this.

Well today, her son's last day, she decided to send him without diapers. He has taken a number two and the biggest size diaper I have is 2 sizes too small.

I am very frustrated about this, and when I called her to ask her who I could contact about getting some diapers for him, she snapped "He's your responsibility right now. You find a way and you pay".

What am I to do? Leave him in his poopy diaper until pick up in 7 hours, or what? I don't get paid until the end of the day so I don't even have the money to buy him diapers. How do I deal with the mother?

Help me!




  1. What, you will punish the kid for his mum's misbehaviour? You are expected to behave in difficult circumstances. That's what child care is all about.

    Edit: I hate it when mothers make it hard for their children. Good luck.

  2. This mother is neglectful by punishing her own son by not sending him with diapers. I would call social services and explain the situation. I would not want to deal with this mother either and her poor son is in need of help. He needs to be in a more stable environment. This mother sounds abusive to me.

  3. Call her back and calmly ask again. Tell her you do not have any sizes of diapers that her son wears and you do not want him sitting in his own f***s.

    Until then, do what you can with the smaller diapers. Do you have any pullups from the other children?

  4. I'd say put the largest sized diaper you have in the house on him and just keep checking him through out the day.  it may stay put inside his clothes and hopefully it won't leak!  Maybe you could limp along through the day that way.  Poor kid!

  5. does he have any other clothes, or do u have any towels or something u can use to make him a diaper? id say maybe go write a check somewhere, that way when u get paid at the end of the day, the check will not have cleared. or a credit card that u can make the payment on when u get paid. he shouldnt need more then 5-6 so u can get the smallest pack for around 5$

    EDIT: how old is he? if he is still under two and isnt over weight, squeeze a size 3 on him. my daughter is two and wears a 4 and can squeeze into a 3. it may be a little tight, but most kids dont need a 5 or 6 till theyre 3 or 4(and should be wearsing pull ups or undies by then).

    EDIT:my daughter is 41 lbs and is about the size of a 3yr old....mybe see if u can some how rig two togther....sorry i dont know what else to say :(

  6. See if you could borrow some money from somewhere to buy him some diapers. I know that's not your child but he/she doesn't deserve to suffer. That is messed up that the mother is acting like that, but I believe it would be considered abuse by law if the child stay's in that condition.

  7. Maybe you could call the people on his contact list to either come get him or bring diapers to you.
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