
Difficulty Breathing/Wheezy Chest?

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When I was very young I used to be plagued by horrible allergies. If I got in 10 feet of grass or any other type of plant my eyes would water and itch, id sneeze and my chest got wheezy making it hard to breathe. I grew out of that when I was like 12, no symptons since until last night. Its my first week at university and was out partying and we were outside for awhile. I had mild symptoms but the wheezy chext stayed with me all night. I couldn't sleep because I hard to work so hard to get air in my lungs. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again? Or, is there something I can do to help me suffer less when and if my chest gets wheezy again?




  1. Chances are you have asthma.

    I have asthma too and it can often be  'set' off because of a cold or during hay fever season.

    Funny thing is, I didn't know I had asthma either until I got a really bad cold and could not sleep at night so went to the doctors as I thought it had turned into a chest infection only to find out I have asthma!  According to my mother, I had it as a baby as well but outgrew it.  It has come back since having my son and the doctors said that the hormonal changes my body has gone through has 'triggered' it again - so to speak.  I am still amazed every time I use my inhaler because it works...still so shocked I have asthma!

    So I suggest you go to your doctor and get them to check it out!  Once you know if you have asthma or not, you can choose your route of 'cure'.  Most people use inhalers but there are also homeopathic routes and doing slow deep breathing exercises can help as well!

  2.   Yoga can help to relieve asthma to a great extent.

  3. I feel for you. I have had allergies pretty much all of my life along with Asthma. Not being able to breathe is awful.

    I have tried just about every kind of over the counter anti allergy med, prescriptions, and my allergist wanted me to have shots, which I didn't want to do the rest of my life.

    I am most allergic to trees,cats and grass. I love the outdoors so I did a lot of research on natural alternatives to my allergies.

    I now take Isotonix OPC-3 daily. Since I started taking it back in March of this year I have not had one problem with allergies. My best friend has 26 acres out in the deep woods along with two cats. I don't have any problems at all.

    Having no allergy problems means I don't have to take my Asthma inhaler. That has been a blessing.

  4. Out growing asthma and allergies is a myth.  You need to see a doctor or NP and get an allergy and asthma evaluation.  If you are going to be exposed to a trigger at your new location, you will need a prescription medication to help control them.  Good luck.  

  5. Your new location may be reactivating your symptoms.  If you have moved from a rural area to an urban area the pollution may have triggered an allergic asthma attack.  A bronchodilator just before going outside may help.  The only OTC form of one is Primatene.  It does contain epinephrine which can have negative effects on the heart so use with caution.  Also,  if you were smoking while partying and you normally don't smoke - your lungs could just be yelling at you.

    To be safe, discuss the possibility of allergy induced asthma with the college clinic.

    Good luck.

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