
Difine white culture?

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Difine white culture?




  1. sorry but i didn't get it, i believe that there are cultures for nations and/or group of people living in a habitat, but i do not think there are cultures for races, except if you meant to talk about racism? and even this concept has been put aside by field anthropologists because it's wrong... so what do you mean?!

  2. Whose "white culture"?

  3. which one ?  

    theres all of europe ..   some nations in South america .. some in africa..    the US and Canada ?

  4. White culture has traditionally been what started in the European countries as customs. The types of music, dance, art, history etc. that are considered "white" came from that background. The Judeo-Christian tradition has also lent heavily to white culture.

    In the USA, it is the anglo-saxon tradition that is considered white, since those people were the founders of this country. However, especially in NY, this country is such a melting pot that I'm not sure there is a "white" culture.

  5. White culture is more of a political than anthropological term in my opinion.  It is usually used in a derogatory way to mean going with the system (i.e. getting a job and going to school) and generally to excuse the unacceptable behavior of people of races other than caucasion.

  6. I agree with Baga-Yag, white is a color and not a culture; point being "whites" are catorgarized as a color while other races are recognized culturaly specific; "Whites" are Anglo Saxon -Anglo-Norman by definition (NOT CONCLUSIVE); this has to end soon if races are to have equal expectations.

    "White people" have no central identity as "Hispanics" also have no central identity, culturaly speaking, as they are "Mexican"-"Argentinian:...even Spanish European, yada-yada...

    Anlgos are Germanic, Saxony (English-French) and the list continues. One could say Anglos are "Englsih American", German American ect , to be politically correct along the lines we must now address blacks as "African Americans" as a culturaly correct origin of the race or be deemed as rude or even racist if we blunder calling anyone black something other than "African American".

    I have often seen Americans of other than An Anglo race race wearing tee-shirts that read "brown and proud" or "Viva La Raza" (up with the race) or even "Black Power" ect; imagine if an Anglo wore a tee shirt reading "white power"...they'd be deemed racist right away. This is where we are at as a nation right now, no denying it, Anglos need their own identity as anglos are sometimes not separate from the blunders of Aryan Brotherhood of the n**i-Third Reich as the Reich was not representitive of the Anglo race any more than Nero represented Rome. Preferably, all Americans will agree to drop all the entitlements and be happy we are all Americans and use that title as I personally would not wear a tee shirt with white power on it...
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