
Digital 3d?

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upon the release of the dvd for films such as 'journey to the centre of the earth' and 2009's 'ice age 3, dawn of the dinsaurs', will we be able to watch it in 3d at home?




  1. Probably not. Current 3D technology requires the source (i.e. the DVD) to be recorded in a 3D format, plus some viewing modification (glasses with polarized lenses or LCD shutters) to enable each eye to see a different image. While this is certainly doable in a home environment, the target audience for such a setup would be relatively small, and it would not be worthwhile for the studios to create a separate release just for that market.

    In the future it is certainly possible that a DVD encoder could be developed to have both 2D and 3D on a single disk, but I do not know of any company working on such a thing.

  2. It has already been done, in Japan. The 3-D TV, and the matching glasses. It only costs about 10K for the set up, plus the cost of the special disks needed. But it does exist. The system will probably make it to America in the next few years.

  3. mitsubishi has 3d ready tvs and the blueray players coming out sometime next year will be able to support this.
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