
Digital camera going bad??

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I have a Pentax Optio WP 5mp, that I bought new a few years ago and Im noticing that the pictures arent as good as they used to be, quality wise, that is. I was just wondering if digital cameras go bad or is there something I can do about it.






  1. Yes, that is true, the pictures should not go bad.  You didn't drop your camera or it didn't get wet did it?  

    Of course you can double check the settings.  Sometimes on cameras there is a  Basic, Normal, High setting, but also there is another setting where you can tell it how many pixels you want.  Example a small image file may be a 640 x 480 (which would not print good photos at all ) and a big file may be around 3000 x 1980 which is perfect for printing at any size.  

    Were you saying the pictures look bad on your camera? On the computer screen? Or when printed?

    Last of all, if you have had this camera for a few years your standard may have gone up just like the quality of new cameras have gone up!  Maybe you subconsciously have seen someone elses camera with good photos, and since yours is older, you may think it is not as good.

    The only other thing I can think, is your photos may not be coming out as well if you were in bad lighting conditions, and or if you were not using your flash.  

    I hope this helps in your search!

  2. No - they don't go bad.  Maybe you are losing your sight.

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