
Digital frame won't show pictures?

by  |  earlier

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i got a poloroid digital frame, and some pictures only show up as vertical colored lines. how do i correct this? all pictures are saved under the same format (jpg)




  1. Make sure they are NOT progressive JPEGs. Most frames will play only baseline JPGs.

  2. My first assumption would be that if the source of the pictures is a card, then it was improperly formatted, and that the pictures are there, and that the vertical lines signal a formatting table.

    My solution would be to remove all of the pictures from the card onto your computer through a card reader, then follow the directions depending on your operating system.

    Macintosh OS X: Right click on the icon on your desktop that symbolizes the card, then click format. Make sure you select FAT32 if available.

    Linux or other Unix based systems: Press Ctrl + Alt + T (Start Terminal)

    Enter these commands, then press enter after each command.

    Enter sudo -i (Gain root access)

    Enter mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/sdb1 (Formats the card in FAT32)

    Windows: Click Start, then click "My Computer" in this window, find your card. Now right click on it, and click format. Make sure you select FAT32 if available.

    If the storage device is internal, and added through another system like USB or Bluetooth then, consult the device manufacturer for help.

    Happy formatting!,

    IceRayn, Cold, mysterious, and transparent.

    EDIT: If the Linux commands give you an error, then make sure to type this first:

    sudo bash

    umount /dev/sdb1

    mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1

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