
Dilemma? 16 year old niece trying to conceive?

by  |  earlier

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To my horror, my sister confided in me that she is scared because her daughter is trying to conceive. In her bedroom, she found hundreds of ovulation predictor kits, early pregnancy tests, Vitex, Prenatal vitamins, and a drawer full of her unopened birth control pills along with the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility", plain Robitussin (to increase amount of egg white cervical mucus), fertility charts and a basal thermometer.

Frightening, I know.

So my sister confronted my niece and she admits that she's been trying to conceive for 10 monhts now with her boyfriend of 2 years without any luck.

My sister is horrified at the fact that she's TRYING to have a baby,

but my niece suggested she go to her OB/GYN to see why she can't conceive.

My sister thinks this is a terrible idea, although she wonders, if her daughter is having all this trouble conceiving NOW, will she be infertile by the time she's at a suitable age to conceive? If PCOS or edometriosis or SOMETHING were found now, would early treatment prevent conception trouble in the future?

She's nervous though, that my niece will still try to get pregnant now.

I don't know what to say. What should she do?




  1. well shes 16 and maybe its not her time to get pregnant and god is looking after her or that shes not doing the calculations right .

    i think that alot of teen girls go through that they stop the pill or what ever because they want a baby shes going to end up pregnant and not know what to do . i dont think she should go to an ob i think she should go and talk to a counceler or something to get her feelings out there . shes gonna find out being 16 and pregnant isnt fun and when her bf is out having fun she will be home with a baby

  2. i'd take her to the gyn now just to make sure that if it is something the problem wont worsen at time passes by. even tho she shouldnt be trying to concieve at such a young age her health is more important so take her to the dr. first then have the s*x talk after, and even if thats too nerve wrecking for you guys maybe the dr. can give her the whole s*x ed talk (even tho she seems like she knows it all lol).

  3. Oh dear... is there a reason why she's trying?  If there IS something wrong, I suppose getting it treated would be good for the future.  But I think she ought to go to counseling also.  Are there emotional reasons as to why she's trying?  

  4. She does probably need to be checked out, but the focus should be for a standard Pap and an STD screening.

    Then your sister should take her to see a counselor.

  5. My goodness! How scary! She knows everything about "how to get pregnant"!

    I would wait until she's 18 to take her to a doctor.  

  6. I would wait. Realistically if she had endometriosis or PCOS there is no cure for them, it will be there regardless of it she sees a Dr now or later, AND there is Dr patient confidentiality so she could easily go in and get tips on getting pregnant and her mom wouldn't know until she turned up pregnant. Avoid anything baby related, or else it will just encourage her!

  7. well if she has her own house then i think it would be okay if she is responsible i am 18 and a good momma i mean i have my own place andi am married. but if she aint stable then tell that ter her!!

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