To my horror, my sister confided in me that she is scared because her daughter is trying to conceive. In her bedroom, she found hundreds of ovulation predictor kits, early pregnancy tests, Vitex, Prenatal vitamins, and a drawer full of her unopened birth control pills along with the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility", plain Robitussin (to increase amount of egg white cervical mucus), fertility charts and a basal thermometer.
Frightening, I know.
So my sister confronted my niece and she admits that she's been trying to conceive for 10 monhts now with her boyfriend of 2 years without any luck.
My sister is horrified at the fact that she's TRYING to have a baby,
but my niece suggested she go to her OB/GYN to see why she can't conceive.
My sister thinks this is a terrible idea, although she wonders, if her daughter is having all this trouble conceiving NOW, will she be infertile by the time she's at a suitable age to conceive? If PCOS or edometriosis or SOMETHING were found now, would early treatment prevent conception trouble in the future?
She's nervous though, that my niece will still try to get pregnant now.
I don't know what to say. What should she do?