
Dilemma. Please help?

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I'm going to be starting a job in a month. The hours are a little jumpy and unfortunately, I'm not sure I will be able to make it in the mornings. My job is on one side of town, I am on the other. The morning shift starts at 7, while the afternoon shift begins at 3. I can't make it in the mornings.. what can I use for an excuse that won't sound ridiculous? (Taking the bus is not an option, I'd have to wake up at like, 5 every morning -- please suggest something else) And what can I say if the employer suggests taking the bus?

I basically need reasons for why I can't come in for morning shifts.




  1. coffee works wonders:) But if that won't do, I would honestly call your employer and explain the exact situation. Reminding her/him that you were not aware of these morning hours. Maybe you guys could work something out.  If not, I would say either try your best to get into work on time and deal with it like people do everyday or tell your employer you can't take the job and find a different one that will work better with your schedule.

  2. I had a job (only a 30-minute drive away) for about 7 years during the summer at which I would have to wake up at 4:45 almost every morning and open a summer day camp for kids and stay for 8 hours. It was pretty rough at the beginning, but it turned out to be a great experience and I got used to it and actually preferred it above all other shifts. I could have the entire afternoon to do other things I needed or wanted to do. I'm not what some would call a "morning person" generally, but I can be. Giving yourself a bit of extra time to wake up and 'welcome the world' is very helpful, too.

    However, if this is really not an option or if it is completely out of the question, I totally agree with Jen. Simply talk to the manager who hired you and tell him/her your situation. They cannot expect you (once you are already hired) to be completely compatible with every schedule or hour they give you. If you can't make the morning shift, tell them. You don't necessarily have to tell them that you can't comfortably wake up that early. You don't even have to give reasons unless they ask (which would seem a bit intrusive on their part). I have found by experience that it is always best to tell the truth and see where it leads. Simply work in the afternoons if that is an option for that job. If not, don't work there. Find something you enjoy and that you CAN do. It makes life a whole lot better, believe me. I don't know the entire situation, but excuses tend to send situations out of whack. Best of luck!

  3. You have to tell to your employer that you already have another program in the mornings and you have to work only in the afternoons.  

    If they do not understand you, don't work there and find something enjoyable for you, otherwise your health will be in danger.

    But, firstly, why don't you try to see how would you fill if you'd awake up at 5 every morning? Maybe you will discover some news about yourself...?
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