
Dilemma regarding base curve (BC) value of contact lens?

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I am trying out different contact lenses now and will go back to my optometrist in a week for follow-up. Here is a dilemma I need to resolve.

I have tried one pair of lenses with BC = 8.6 and another pair with BC = 8.3. The latter, BC 8.3, feels definitely more comfortable than the BC 8.6.

However, BC 8.3 probably fits too well because I had a hard time removing the lenses last night. (Maybe I am just not skilled enough yet to handle lens removal.)

So, which BC value should I go with? (If you have good tips on how to remove soft lenses, I definitely would like to hear it too.)




  1. Myabe u shd ask ur eye doc to check wht is the actual bc that u need. Given this case u shd try those of 8.4 to 8.5. Or those unifit ones. They are great

  2. Just because a contact lens feels more comfortable doesn't mean that it is the best choice for you.  The 8.3 lens is a steeper lens and fits more tightly.  A tighter fit tends to make the edge fit closer to the eye and therefore you get less lid sensation of the edge of the lens on a blink.  BUT, if the lens fits too tightly, it may FEEL comfortable for a while but may not allow good tear flow under the lens (which is not good).  If the 8.6 is actually fitting correctly, it may simply be that it may take a day or two for your lids to adapt to the sensation of the lens edge.  If so, the lens will become comfortable AND be a healthier fitting lens.  Ultimately, though, the only way to know which lens is a best fit for you is to allow your eye doctor to look at the lens ON YOUR EYE.  He or she will be able to tell which way to go.

  3. When you have your appt. the doctor should have taken your keratometry readings. That will help him determine your BC. If the 8.3 feel more comfortable, then I would go with that one. Your problem removing the lens could be due to any number of factors. The person you should be having this discussion with is your doctor. Let him know how you feel and he will be able to help you and give you the best advice.

    When my contacts are giving me a hard time, I use eye-drops. A lot of the time the contact isn't wanting to come out because it is dry. Put some eye drops in before you remove your contacts and it makes it easier.

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