
Diluted Juice - Do you...?

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When you pour a glass of diluted juice, do you:

1) Add water to the glass and THEN the juice?

2) Add some diluted juice to the glass and THEN the water?




  1. add the water to the juice, it mixes better as the juice is heavier than the water and the water stirs up the juice.

  2. Neither I put UNdiluted juice in the glass then add the water ;]

  3. I add juice and then water, and stir. Everyone does it different, but I think by stirring it, it mixes better. Or, if it's in a bottle just shake. Sippy cup, I would cover the holes on the mouth part and shake too.

    Good luck.

  4. i usually out the juice in first and then the water, but most of the time i then always end up adding more juice!

  5. oh always choice 2 but if i dont put in enough i do top up ! fact thinking about this question further. sad i know but i have found that if you put juice in after water i need to put more in as it seems weaker than if i put the same amount in before the water.  Whooooo i have just paid far too much attention to a really silly question...but i enjoyed it ! lol

  6. I add the juice then the water, and then if it's not right at the end I just pour some away and top it up with more juice/water.

  7. The only time I've diluted juice, is when I would dilute apple juice for my grandkids (the ones under 2).  I'd put 1/2 glass of juice in their TIPPY CUP, and then put in water ......

  8. Add juice first then the water to dilute it

  9. pour it out.

    it tastes like vitamin water..yuk

  10. 2) Add some diluted juice to the glass and THEN the water

  11. Put the premade juice in a cup and then add the water.

  12. You put the squash in the glass first and then top it up with still or fizzy water or whatever else you going to mix it with !

  13. juice then water.  because it mixes better

  14. Both ways, =/

  15. Concentrate first and then the water so the two mix better...

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