
Ding Dong, the Psycho's gone!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I THINK (although I don't wish to tempt fate) 'lbobeck' has been kicked off YA. I looked all back through my past answers and none of her questions are there anymore.Yay!! Thanks to everyone who reported her, I can't believe it took Yahoo so long to banish her! I don't think they moderate YA, I think they rely just on other users reporting people, which is sad really. Honestly, the things she was saying to Dr Frank was just plain hideous. I (like everyone) was worried Dr Frank was going to leave, which by the way Dr Frank, you can't do because we wouldn't survive without you and we'd miss you too much (specially me :)

So my question is, do you think Yahoo should do more to protect top contributors like Dr Frank? Who is an asset to YA.





  1. I think you have a Doctor fetish because your daddy is a doctor Rhianna!


    OK gh I did not mean it in a derogatory fashion. Personally it turns me on the whole father and daughter thing. What type of Dr is your dad? what does he do?

  2. I agree Rhianna, there are ALLOT of sickos on YA. They ask really STUPID QUESTIONS that DON'T REQUIRE ATTENTION NOR A RESPONSE. I Don't always answer but I DO like to read the questions and responses. I find it makes me a little more KNOWLEDGEABLE and informative about allot of things. But I do HOPE that DR. FRANK DOES STAY. I THINK WE WOULD ALL LEARN FROM HIM HERE ON YA.

    Perhaps , RABIES finally kicked in for IBOBECK and she will have met with whatever her fate was to be considering all the trouble she caused in here. Or perhaps she found another poor soul to stalk.

    SIDNEY H. I  think your way out of line! What your saying is NO BETTER then INOBECK . That's wrong. Some people DO come on here to genuinely try to give informatively good knowledgeable information on here. And just because Nurse Rhianna and DR. FRANK answer allot of the same questions proves NOTHING. They are BOTH in the same profession and share some of the same knowledge to a certain degree. People like YOU have a FETISH with taking THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT. And there for are the ones that NEED TO SEEK HELP ! Your just plain RUDE. And there for should KEEP YOUR SICK DEMENTED COMMENTS TO YOURSELF ! Perhaps you have a problem WITH YOUR DADDY AND NEED TO ADDRESS THAT  and NOT worry about everyone else !!

  3. I don't  think it is lbobeck that is the real psycho in this saga : )

    In any case why the h**l did you not BLOCK her or ignore her?

    Of course she is going to come back because you both keep on rising to the bait.  Instead of doing the mature thing and blocking/ignoring her.

    She is clearly getting a good laugh out of this, and in a few months time she will be busy with something else.

    I am not saying that I agreed with some of the things she posted, but overall I think it was blown out of proportion.  

    Her spelling/grammar was intended to be atrocious as Dr Frank seems to have this thing about correcting people spelling/grammar.  She has A levels, so she must be able to formulate sentences.

    I think the YA reporting procedure  needs to be overhauled.  more needs to be done to protect ALL users.

    I am suprised Dr frank considered leaving, I thought the scottish are a tough breed.

    I think you enjoyed the attention Rhianna.

    In anycase she probably has more than one account and can easily make up another troll account.

  4. I was indeed very close to giving up due to the lack of support from the Answers administration team. This morning I did tell them I was about to withdraw. I am sure Answers would have survived without me and I would have survived without Answers. However since I had to retire, following 2 operations, trying to help people on Answers has boosted my morale and I would have missed it terribly. I have come to view going on to Answers as an advice surgery.

    I only hope that whoever he/she was that they do not reappear in another incarnation, which would be all too easy to do!

  5. I saw somebody who posted the same kind of questions, so I didn't know if it was the same person under another name. I think she enjoys winding you up more than Dr Frank as you over react so I doubt she will go. If it is even a she, as might be a boy.

    I would hate for anybody to drive Dr Frank away, but Ibo was just getting silly and I don't think anybody was taking her seriously anyway.

    EDIT: Excuse me? They are some pretty serious claims. When did I say you had some kind of fetish or the other things? I admit I did comment on the image you had of the tartan mini skirt as I thought it was amusing.  I don't know if you're American or British, but it brought back images of Carry on Nurse where they wore short dresses and that.

    I haven't done any of those other things.

    The same that you admitted to being rude to Dr Frank once or twice by acting as if you knew more than him, I can admit my mistakes.

    This is all getting silly now anyway. I can't believe anybody in this world would be stupid enough to take Ibobeck seriously.

  6. Thank goodness. Its annoyong to see such stupid, sometimes disgusting replies when people go to the trouble to help others. That type of input certainly insults intelligence.

    Thank goodness Dr Frank and Rhianna are resilient and stayed to continue their much appreciated input.

    Yes its good to see a lighter side sometimes add a jovial quip to the odd answer but theres a time and a place.

    Carry on the good work - the answers and the reporting of trash.

  7. Hi Rhianna

    Just noticed she's gone too - yipee!  It did take them a long time, though.

    She gave both yourself and Dr Frank a really hard time - I reported that disgusting answer to your question re Smear tests - that was plain awful, only someone seriously sick could write something like that.

    I also constantly reported her questions re Dr Frank and yourself - you both would have been seriously missed on here if she'd driven either of you to leave.

    Yahoo should have stricter control over questions and answers on here to protect us all.

    Take care and enjoy the peace. x

    Ps same to Dr Frank.

  8. Absolutely.  Though I am new here, I am in 100%agreement.  Y/A needs to protect people who are constant contributors from harrassment and false reporting.  Btw...thank you for helping to get rid of that ignorant person, she/he was getting ridiculous.  

  9. Yeh, i reported her twice.

    Tbh i hate time wasters like her.

    Yahoo dont even care about t.c or normal yahooers.

    They reley on us to do the dirty work.

  10. i reported her

  11. Yes i think they should moderate at all times. It will help guard people who help on here and it will also safeguard easily influenced people from some of the sheer rubbish that people say on here! I am having a similar problem with another user on here - sher keeps making comments that are highly insulting to people with eating disorders and she is advising people not to eat!!! I have reported her several times now and still nothing is being done! I just hope she has not actually had any negative impact on anyone who has read her comments or taken her crazy advice!! In short - I agree with you!!!

  12. People shouldnt judge each other its bad karma no matter what they say.Judge others and you will be judged.Im not a religious person but i believe in this.

  13. I was a bit worried about Dr Frank and that he would go.  He is a great contributor to YA.  He also has a fantastic sense of humour as well as offering some good advice on medical matters and the odd grammatical error!  I haven't seen much of him lately but I hope he will feel free to return.  I know he has recently retired and we should make good use of his advice now that he has more time on his hands!  

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