
Dining Etiquette for Prom Night.?

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My Boyfriend and 3 other people and I are going to a formal restaurant for Prom Dinner, I know my formal etiquette somewhat, but can anyone give me tips on how to act and what to do? I don't want to be the only one acting formal in a group of teenagers....but I know I need to have class at this place, how do I envoke the others to do the same?




  1. aren't they serving dinner at the prom?  thats what they did at my proms..

  2. Smile and nod or say thank you quietly when anyone holds the door open for you or holds a chair for you to sit.   Speak in low tones and look directly at the face of the server when she speaks to you and smile sweetly as you answer.

    Put your napkin in your lap ...if the waiter does so for you,  lean back slightly and say thank you quietly.

    It is really sweet to let your date order for you.  If you don't want to do that, ask him to suggest something to you.  He will get a kick out of being the provider for your meal.  If you don't like that kind of food you can at least get an idea of the price range and order something the same price or lower price.   The utensil that you want to use for the first course is normally set at the outer position.... Salad fork is on the outside and the entree fork is near your plate.  The soup spoon is on the outside position.  When you eat bread you put the portion on the small bread plate near your dinner plate and your portion of butter if you use it goes on the bread plate also.  When you eat the bread, you do not bite into the big piece; you break off a small bite-sized piece and use your tiny butter knife, if there is one, to butter only the small bite sized piece and put that one piece in your mouth and repeat when you are ready for more.  If you do not see why it is done this way, face a mirror and bite into a big piece of bread and you will see it doesn't look very dainty.  If you need to cut a piece of meat, cut only two pieces at a time put the knife down across the edge of the plate and switch your fork to your right hand toeat.  When those tow pieces are gone you can repeat and cut one or two more pieces.  It is not good to eat hurriedly.

    Don't ask about the bill unless your friends have an arrangement ahead of time to split the bill.  Only one person deals with the actual paying of the bill, usually the men work out the details ahead of time on this matter.  When the meal is ending, discretely go to the "powder room", this gives the men a chance to settle the bill without you witnessing their working it out and paying the waiter.  

    Oh, yes... if you wear formal gloves remove them just before handling your napkin or a glass at the meal.  You can put them in your purse or drape them on it.  A nice clean satin purse that has never been placed on a floor may be put on the table if there is plenty of room or you can place it in your lap before your napkin.

    Have fun and kiss your date sweetly, it is such a big deal for him too!

  3. I hate to admit it to you, but as a server, I used to cringe at prom kids when they'd come in. It always meant snotty girls, immature guys, tons of refills, loud yelling and bad tips.

    The fact that you're even asking makes me have respect for you :) Mainly, just act like a normal and polite. Be courteous and kind to your server. Don't be obnoxious, and most importantly, tip at least 20%. Have fun!!!

  4. Be polite, chew with your mouth closed, don't yell or laugh really loud.  

    Pretty much, just act nice and pretend your parents were there.  Act like you would with them around.

    Tip 15%- 20%.

  5. Try to order something that's not so messy (avoid pastas). I always wait for someone else to "start" before I pick up my utensil and eat. I think everything will be fine. Just remember to eat slow. One thing that's very important is to keep the conversation appropriate. If you're at a classy place, don't start talking loudly about recent gossip or using offensive language. Keep the atmosphere pleasant.

  6. Mind your manners, don't be obnoxious, don't be rude to the wait staff, say please and thank you, use your napkin, the salad fork is on the outside, basically just be polite and enjoy your meal and your friends without being loud or disturbing to anyone else.  try not to clank your fork against your plate and stuff like that!

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