
Dining at fancy resturants?

by  |  earlier

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I will be going to a very fancy restaurant soon, which I never have really done before. I mean, I've been to very nice places, but nothing where it costs around $200 per person. So, anyways its this really famous French resturaunt in Boson named L'Espalier. Food comes in courses? Do I choose all my courses when the waitress comes the first time? What is a "prix fix" and "degustion" which forks and knifes do I use? (theres about 100) Is there a certain way I should eat? Haha the whole idea seams to intimidating.




  1. if it is a lot of courses it may be a set menu, otherwise all courses may have to be ordered at once.

    Cutlery wise, start from the outside and work in.

    If you have more than 1 lot of cutlery at the top work towards you. enjoy your meal.

  2. Generally you choose all your courses at once and tell them to the server at the beginning of the meal.  You may also be served a 'muse bouche', which means 'mouth amusement' and is a little one or two bite snack sent out to all diners.  As for your forks and knives, you start from the outermost ones and work your way in on each course.

  3. Yes, you order everything at once (except dessert). Most likely not all the courses are your choice, but some of them are whatever they are serving that night for that course -- unless the whole meal is that way.

    You'll be able to tell, a) by the menu; b) by the prompting of the waitperson, who, if you leave out something you need to specify, will prompt you. (Just like any other place to eat, where they'll ask you what you want to drink, whether you soup, what dressing, etc.)

    If they have 100 implements, they are being very incorrect.

    The rule is, start with those implements furthest from the plate, and work your way in with each course.

    The way to eat is to not take huge bites and not be messy.

    They are there to give you a meal in return for your giving them an outrageous amount of money; they are NOT there to be manners police.

    As long as you don't act like a barbarian, just enjoy your meal.

  4. No need to be intimidated. Just go and enjoy yourself. You will probably have to order all at once but don't worry they won't rush you. I would recommend going with a small appetizer so it doesn't fill you up. But it should be fun.

    -Bon Appetit

  5. Go to la Carretta in Pembroke Pines Florida

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