
Dining nationality saturated with the consulates in Israel Sephardic

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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The decision of the government of Mariano Rajoy to amend the Civil Code to grant Spanish nationality to descendants of Jews who in 1492 were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula, announced on Friday, has attracted an inordinate interest in Israeli citizens, with its consultations have saturated the Spanish consulates in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Until now called Sephardim could apply for Spanish nationality lengthy and cumbersome procedures, and giving up their other passports. From now on, by an initiative of the Ministry of Justice has yet to be voted on in parliament, may retain more nationalities other than Spanish.

Sephardic organizations estimate that 3.5 million people could benefit from this measure. Last weekend, the Israeli media and circulated a list of 5,200 Sephardic surnames, prompting a flurry of inquiries to the Spanish consular missions. The reason is that the bill six possible certifications provided Sephardic cited, including " the names of the person concerned " and " family language" in reference to medieval Castilian known as Ladino, plus "other evidence that demonstrate their membership of the Sephardic Jewish community "or" linkage or relationship with a person of the applicant or family of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph. "

Spanish consular sources acknowledged Monday the large volume of inquiries and cautioning Israelis. " This is still a draft bill to be considered in Congress. The Ministry has set out a number of criteria, among them is that the applicant is Sephardic, but also have a special relationship with Spain. It is an issue that can not be assessed until parliament approves permanently. In any case will have to wait to be published in the Official Gazette to start any process, " said the sources, who requested anonymity because the legislative process is still in its infancy.

No Sephardim only Israel, but a large part of the population of six million Jews in this country. His interest in the Spanish government's offer has been demonstrated in the national media, who questioned Monday in anticipation of the facts, if Spain is ready to assimilate to 3.5 million Jews. Yedioth Aharonot headlined two pieces of information: 'The Spanish dream ' and ' Suddenly, we are all Spaniards '. In the latter claimed that " there are already enough people in Israel who wait in line for passport " but was forced to warn his readers that " the new law will not automatically offer citizenship to all Israelis."

The expulsion of the Jews ordered the Catholic Monarchs in 1492 in their campaign of religious homogenization of Spain. Many Sephardim settled in new communities in North Africa, the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire. The State of Israel was declared in 1948 as a homeland for the Jewish people and the authorities granted Israeli passport immediately to anyone who can prove that they belong to that ethnic - religious group.

"I already am Spanish, and I emphasize that it is by my Jewish roots," says Haim Avraham, 72, who now chairs the Council of the Sephardic Community of Jerusalem. Their ancestors passed through the Balkans to leave Spain, ending in Hebron, in what is now the West Bank. "This announcement very excited, because I 've never felt alien when I visited Spain," he says. His three children also ask nationality, although, as he himself admits, that " have never expressed great proximity to Spain."

For now, the Israeli government has maintained a careful silence on the measure. It is logical that there is some suspicion the idea that another country grants passports to own a significant number of Jews, many of them Israelis. Yet the Spanish gesture is interpreted as goodwill and also remains unclear what are the procedures authorized by the Ministry of Justice will.

To date Sephardic Spanish passport can apply in two ways. Well two years after residing legally in Spain or by naturalization, nationality concession granted on a discretionary basis by the Council of Ministers. Both require that the applicant dispenses with other passports.

The Spanish Government 's intention to amend the articles of the Civil Code that provide these assumptions, especially the 23, which is forcing the resignation of other passports. Justice 's proposal to amend the latter to include among those exempted renounce other nationalities, the Sephardim, with people coming " from Latin American countries, Andorra, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea or Portugal."

According to a previous announcement of the Ministries of Justice and Foreign, 2012, was to be the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) which grant records certifying the Sephardic origin of the applicant. In the future you can take that work, but your certifications will become just another medium between those considered legitimate and responsible for issuing a final validation, according to the bill, will be "the civil registrar of the domicile of interested either in Spain or the relevant consulate. "

"It's a very, very important gesture," he said Monday this newspaper FCJE president, Isaac Cherub Caro. " We must not forget that this measure not only has a sentimental dimension, but also practical, as it can save the lives of Jews in states at risk. Indeed gestures like this have already saved lives in the past, such as during World War II. And the truth is that there are still countries where Jews are not as comfortable or protected as in others, and at some point may need Spanish generosity and hospitality. "

The Sephardim in Spain consider some words of King Juan Carlos in Madrid in 1992 served as a precedent for this decision by the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz GallardÃ_n. In the act of remembrance of the 500th anniversary of the expulsion of the Jews, the King said: " We should not say that Jews in Sepharad [ Spain biblical place name in Hebrew ] feel at home, because the Jews are Hispanic their own home. "

As a reminder of that expulsion, the Israeli daily Haaretz published Monday along with an analysis of what the new measure represents the reproduction of a painting of Isabel the Catholic, testifying that continue to influence decisions in the history of Spain. In lighter key, the vignette of the day showed a line of shirts and scarves Israelis with Barca doing and tail at the Spanish Embassy, in festive atmosphere.

 Tags: consulates, Dining, Israel, nationality, saturated, Sephardic


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