
Dining near Disneyland?

by Guest66983  |  earlier

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Can anyone recommend any good family restuarants near the La Quinta Inn in Anaheim Ca? maybe something thats not a franchise restaurant. We're staying at the La Quinta near Disneyland. No fast food or Dennys. We need a place to eat dinner the night before we go to the park. Healthy menu is a bonus




  1. Well I know you said no franchise hopefully you meant not cheap and crappy.

    My favorite place is EL TORITO. It is lively, music always playing, the food is fantastic. Its is right across the main street from the Disneyland offices and parking structure.

    It really is fantastic. You can really eat cheap there as well. You get chips and salsa of course for free and some of the meals are so large you can split them. Very good!

  2. Try the Cheesecake factory:

    Its around the corner from your hotel; go south on Clementine and west on Harbor....about 1/2 block on your right.

    321 W Katella Ave

    Ste 100

    Anaheim, CA 92802

    (714) 533-7500

  3. There are quite a few restaraunts in Downtown Disney some of which are franchised and some are more unique. I really like Catal which has a decent kids menu, some GREAT salads and several fairly healthy choices.

    Chinese Gourmet Restaurant has pretty good Mongolian BBQ - and it is a little dank but don't be too scared. ;o)

    (714) 778-3113

    170 W Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA

    Alberto's Mexican Food is pretty much a so cal staple. Nothing healthy here though.

    (714) 991-5304

    9922 Ball Rd, Anaheim, CA

    My vert favorite though, is Yamabuki actually in the Disney Pacific Hotel. They do such a great job with kids, the decor is edgy-traditional and the sushi is truly OUTSTANDING.

    But really, my suggestion would be to ask the Concierge or front desk attendant what his or her favorite local place is and go there. Or even just grab a cab and have them take you to their favorite local place within ____ minutes. Sometimes just following a spur of the moment lead elicits the best results!

    Have fun!

  4. Maybe a little farther away but very good.

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