
Dining out or eating in - tried and trusted or adventurous and new?

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Are you happy to try the exotic or do you always pick what you know?




  1. i am always willing to try anything and i mean anything -- i always feel sorry for my brother in law -- he is strictly a meat and potatoes man and will never try anything else!!!

  2. I'll try anything once.

    With the exception of incest. And German sausages.

    The paradox being that once you've tried everything there is to try all that remains is the tried and trusted. And a longing for some new taste experience; adventure is a road which only ever leads us back to the mundane.

    In the end we all end up as beggars sitting on a beach of gold.

    (Must be a day for waxing lyrical :oP)

  3. Like to mix things up a bit so take turns with tried and true favorites and new dishes.

  4. Eating out used to be an exciting event but anymore I just stare at the menu and could really care less!!!  Now, when I go to a feast that's a whole different story!!  Because you can't get NDN food anywhere but at a feast!!!  Love the grape dumplings, steam fry, fry bread and corn soup and many more!!

    What is your delicacy over there?

  5. I'll try anything once. That goes for food and other experiences. You can experiment with new foods/recipes at home to save a little money.

  6. I'll try every new restaurant unless the food patrol gets them first.  It seems to me that most every restaurant has at least one dish that is special for me so when I find those I do have to return one more time.  I eat out most of the time so I can cover most all of them but I do have a few special ones.

  7. I like exotic adventurous expensive cuisine if someone else is paying the tab.   One of my sons goes out of his way to find such places lol.

  8. Mostly stay with the tried and trusted.  Now and then try something new.

    But I have to be careful that the new thing doesn't contain guacamole or shellfish.  That can put me into the hospital in a hurry!

  9. love exotic ,try anything once ....wellll....most things .....just could not get that tripe more than half way to my mouth.

  10. Definitely the adventurous route, be it at home or eating out ! !   You never know, you just might like it ! ! !  We are talking food, aren't we ? ? ?  = )  LOL LOL

  11. We attend the International Folk Festival every year. They have food from every country, or just about. I like to try everything, hubby eats American while there, hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries. But not me. Some of those dishes are really good. I only get to eat them once a year at the festival.   Poppy

  12. Most of the time when I eat out I stick with the tried and true. But, my son got me to try sushi a couple of months ago.  I didn't care much for it. "It is an acquired taste," he tells me.  I don't think I'll be acquiring it any time soon.

  13. Eating out, I will do the tried and true meal.  Might do an exotic appetizer, but not main course.

    At home I will do the adventurous and new.

  14. I will try anything once......... unless it smells bad.

  15. I prefer to eat in just because I have worked in restaurants forever.  We will try new things all the time.  When we travel, we like the little restaurants.  I don't see any sense in doing the same thing.  

  16. When I was young, I would try new foods.  In the 60's Japanese cuisine was just becoming popular in Southern California.  My husband and I liked it.  Some of our friends did not at the time.  One said that she really liked to know what she was eating.   I think that  sometimes it is better not to know.  When I watch Anthony Bourdain on one of his travel programs, I have to avert my eyes when he is trying something like fried insects, etc.

  17. I know what I like and tend to stick to it.

    I love going out for Sunday lunch, roast dinners are my


    My eldest daughter is an excellent cook and she always tries

    out her new recipes on us when we go to dinner.  If we like it

    she will cook it at her next dinner party, she hasn't poisoned

    us yet but I have to admit to indigestion a couple of times.

    Her Thai green curry is a culinary delight, she didn't learn all

    this from me, I am a very basic cook.

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