
Dinner, Bowling, Movie too much?

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Theres this thing that's going on in this youth group I go to here and there, and they're taking highschoolers to eat at kipples (pizza parlor) and bowling. But I was thinking of asking this girl if she wanted to go see a movie after that. So 6:30 would be when we would eat, 8:00 would be when we bowled, 10:00 would be when the youth group thing is over. Then would a movie be too much after that?

And maybe if she was like thirsty for like a shake or something, like maybe go to sonic?

I was also thinking, I could bring a friend on mine, and she could bring one of her girlfriends so it wouldn't be too weird...

(btw, this would be the first date with this girl)




  1. It might be too much.  Plus if you make a movie date for another night, it will give you something else to look forward to.

  2. I think its nice especially if you both bring other friends

    But if your youth groupthing is over at 10:00 that puts you out of the movie at about 12:00 Don't be suprised if thats too late but the offer should get you on the good list so keep trying

  3. I think that would be too much. Just do the pizza, bowling, and then take her out to Sonic.

  4. I like the shake idea.

    You should leave the movies for another day.

    I believe is a bit much.

    But by asking u won't loose anything.

    so give it a try!

    ?if not there always tomorrow.

  5. the movie thing would make a great 2nd date. it's totally innocent as long as you act like a gentleman to her. the sonic thing with two friends is a real good idea. having someone else along can help to break the tension if you're shy or nervous.

  6. I would say just go to sonic afterwards.

  7. I like the shake idea. The movie thing might be a bit much. But I might drop the idea of the other people, you want to get some one on one. Get a shake hang out, talk, laugh, be young. Next time do the movie thing.

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