
Dinner before Dance Class

by  |  earlier

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i have two options of what i would like to eat and i cannot decide which would be a better dinner to eat before dance, i was hoping someone could help me out. (i have dance for at least 2 hours, probably close to 3)

Option #1) 1 chicken breast in tomato sauce with sautéed onions, and some raisin challah (bread).

Option # 2) 1 small piece of salmon about 4" long and 3" wide in spaghetti with parmesan cheese.




  1. They're both good options, but if you're going to be dancing RIGHT after you eat, I'd go with option #1.  Sometimes too many carbs right before you engage in physical activity can cause you to be sluggish.

  2. 2 easier on your  stomach

    #1 sounds good but trust me you will be burping all night if you eat the tomato sauce plus bad breath!! lol

  3. go with option two. carbs... yum yum yum!

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