
Dinner for 2...looks good?

by  |  earlier

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on the left is cajun chicken, right is beef burger.

comes with spicy fries n coleslaw

got it from a foodcourt cafeteria.




  1. It depends on how much your spending limit is.  I can't picture myself eating fast food while on a date, especially at a food court.  It's not romantic.  However, the cajun chicken looks nice.  The coleslaw does look too white.  I think there's too much mayonnaise in the coleslaw.  

  2. well the french fries looked pretty good

    o and eat the computer?---------------agian?

  3. the one on the left looks best, but they both look great.  i love food court food.  im not into coleslaw though- and that coleslaw looks a little plain, its all white.  id prefer the fries be crispier too.  but the sandwiches look awesome and i love that the plates are jam packed

  4. This picture make me feel hungry now and it feel like i'm going to eat the computer again.  

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