
Dinner for 7 or 8? AFTER work?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not in the mood for spaghetti...

and we don't like frozen ANYthing...

Any ideas?




  1. It seems like BBQ would be the easiest and fastest way to go!  ... Steaks or even gourmet sausages (i.e. chicken w/pesto)  ...  Red & green bell pepper halves & zucchini cut in half - brushed with olive oil & sprinkled with garlic salt & oregano and grilled on both sides ... Green Salad and a Fruit Salad ...  maybe some garlic bread too, and you could make a couple of packages of Rice-a-Roni ....    For DESSERT:  Heat up a can of apple pie filling with a little cinnamon, and pour it hot over vanilla ice cream. Add a nice Pepperidge Farm cookie to the dish

  2. How about homemade grilled pizzas?  You can get the dough at the supermarket, or your local pizza shop will sometimes sell you dough balls.  Get a bunch of fresh veggies and cheeses and your favorite sauce and meats, then everyone can make their own and grill (or bake) them off  while you're having a drink and some quickie appetizers (veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, etc.)  It's gourmet-tasting, and you can just throw the toppings into bowls and let everyone use what they want.  Serve with green salad.

  3. I love baking chickens, and put some baking potatos in too. They cook themselves while you get the other chores done to be ready for your guests. Then you just need veggies or a salad and a great dessert. A box of brownie mix can be dressed up with a cheesecake mixture of eggs, vanilla and sugar and stir in raspberry jam and add nuts if your guests like them. I like to put garlic and fresh lemon slices under the skin and in the bird's cavity for a super flavor.

  4. Why not set up a taco bar??? You can get some ground beef and chicken breast and cook them. Then set out all the toppings such as lettuce, tomato, salsa, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, etc.. and hard and soft shells! If you don't care for tacos, then how about cooking something in the crockpot while you are at work??? I love using my slow cooker! You could cook anything- chicken, potroast, pork chops, etc... And my last suggestion would be- if you are really in trouble, then there is always Chinese take out! That has always been a big hit around our house!

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