
Dinner ideas for mine and Gf's Annivesary?

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Were cooking each other dinner for our 1 yr annivesary and need suggestions.

nothing to fancy as Im plain and simple not that good of a cook, and also something that doesnt take to long to make

any ideas?




  1. I would totally go out

    but if you want to stay in, make breakfast for dinner--eggs, french toast, stuffed french toast, baked apple pancakes, crepes filled w/strawberries and cream

  2. Go simple!!! Get some crusty bread serve with a hard cheese. basalmic vinger and olive oil as a dip. Spagattii as main meal, and store bought pound cake with chocolate sauce drizzled over it with fresh berries. Voila!! She'll think you slaved all day and really all you did was spend most of your time getting dressed!

  3. You should ask her mom what her favorite food was as a child, get the recipe and make that for her.  If it's something like wieners and beans or grilled cheese, that would even be better.  Look up a nice wine to go with it and have a little fun!

  4. Saute mushrooms, artichoke hearts.  Stir into cooked fettucine noodles.  Top w/jar of alredo sauce and sprinkle with blue cheese....fantastic.


    Brownie Sundae

  5. spaghetti

    brown the hamburger meat (or chicken)

    add sauce

    season it

    cook noodles

    make garlic toast

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