
Dinosaurs in present day time?

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How would human life be different (not considering changes in evolution) if dinosaurs existed in the same numbers as say, lions or elephants in Africa exist? If there was a T-Rex anywhere near a human settlement it would probably need to be killed. I don't know if humans and massive, predatory carnivorous dinosaurs could coexist. Humans would probably need to kill them or cage them. Sorry to sound so brutal. What do you think?




  1. They do co-exist. Check out the books "Causal Rex" and "Anonymous Rex"...crazy dinosaurs in human suits!!!!

  2. The paleontological depiction of T-Rex being a predatory species, and further glorified by Hollywood films, may not at all be the case.  There is some speculation that such prehistoric beasts were "scavengers" much like vultures of today that did not hunt prey, but rather devoured the remains of dead animal carcasses.  

    Secondly, if dinosaurs existed today, they would not have the immense stature of their primordial predecessors, but would be 1/6th there former stature.  In the prehistoric eras and epochs when EVERYTHING was titanic in scale (Gigantism), including insects and all botanical species, it was the direct result of the Earth’s primeval ecosystem which originally possessed an “upper hydrospheric shield” (Prima Altohydrosphere) which formed during the coalescing of the Earth from a “plasmosphere”.  This feature encapsulated the Earth’s atmosphere with a one mile thick bubble-like shield of frozen H2O, carbon, nitrogen and trace elements that was suspended 10 miles above the surface, causing atmospheric compression creating a 30% greater oxygen concentrate, and simultaneously generating a 300% geomagnetic amplitude resulting in 0.16% our current gravity, thus everything grew to be 6 times larger than what exists today.  So imagine primordial Redwood and Sequoia forests 6 times greater in stature than the remnant tiny species that exists today!

  3. elephants and hippos and rhinos and alligators and crocodiles and not to mention birds... they're all dinos, just no one else sees them as such. and we do cage and kill them....

  4. You would need to take into consideration the environment in which the dinosaurs & humans would co-exist. The only thing that seperates us from animals is our ability to adapt to the environmet via culture. Now the question would be, would our ancestor still be able to form culture if in this environmental niche if the dinosaur still existed?

    Now lets say, that in some part of the world the dinasaur didn't exist but humans did. Then logically this group would develop culture and eventually would evolve into a different species  eventually leading to us. Versus the other group; would more than likely not evolve the same way as we did.

    Now follow me, lets say both these groups existed simultaneuosly. What would probaly happen is that both, our ancestral cousins and the dinasours woulld be an endangered species only visible at  zoos in a culture that may or may not reflect our present one.

  5. You'd need to consider the entire ecology system. T-Rex was the top of the food chain and needed a fair amount of food to live.

    The California Condor almost went extinct as it's food sources (cattle, deer, sheep, horses in advance decay), were so reduced. Ironically, most of the condor deaths prior to placing the species in captivity were due to conservationists "protecting" the birds. (killed during capture attempts)

    Best bet is T-Rex would be on the "endangered" list today.

  6. My guess is you are right.

  7. They would be in every national and state zoo across the world. In captivity. Thats humans for you.

  8. Apex predators are absolutely essential to a healthy ecosystem, wiping them out causes more problems than it solves. Cougars are a great example, yeah, they do kill the occasional person. If you wipe them out your deer population explodes and FAR MORE people die of car/deer collisions and Lyme disease becomes a much bigger problem. That's just for starters...


  10. We cannot easily catch our modern Dinosaurs...most of them can fly!

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