
Dint you think is it horrible that a 17 year old girl?

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gets pregnant?

Anne Dunham - Barack Obama's mother, pregnant at 17, mother at 18.




  1. Barack Obama's mother wasn't running for VP.

  2. Obama stated that getting a candidate's child involved in the election is wrong and he is not saying anything about Palin's daughter.  In fact Obama said his own mother was a teen mom...Obama has values.  Remember it was Mc Cain who was bashing Chelsey Clinton !

  3. For all you conservatives out there.

    Obama's mother got pregnant 47 years ago, when it was a society in which many, many young women got pregnant very early because they didn't have the equal opportunities in education and jobs.  Oh, by the way, just in case you forgot, ANNE DUNHAM"S MOTHER WASN"T PICKED AS VICE PRESIDENT CANDIDATE.  

  4. Indeed, lib hypocrisy reigns!

  5. I think Bristol Palin showed that she is ready for the challenge by saying that she is keeping the baby and that she will marry the father, it shows great character on her part. I think the canidates children should be off limits for the press

  6. Not at all.  She is RESPONSIBLE about it, still living with her family, who can help her support the child.

  7. no its not horrible, what makes it horrible is that Obamas mother isn't running for public office and trying to tell ME how i should bring up my own daughter.. or tell me I'm a bad mom bc i believe in birth control!

    i don't even know how u can compare the 2!

  8. I don't think it's a good idea for a 17 year old to be pregnant, any 17 year old.  I do have to question the wisdom of a mother who has a 17 year old pregnant daughter and chooses to run for national office knowing full well all the attention she will receive.

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