
DirecTV on HP TouchSmart???

by  |  earlier

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Okay... So I'm going to get the HP TouchSmart :). and my parents have DirecTV (in our house), but not in my room. First, I would like to know how much more a month it would be to have DirecTV in my room and how much the dish and receiver would cost. Second, I want to know how I should hook up the receiver to the computer because some people said that hooking up DirecTV to their computers with tuners in them dosn't work. Sorry if its confusing and thanks! :)




  1. You don't need another dish to get DirectTV in your room, but you do need an extra set-top box. The Touchsmart also comes with built-in ATSC tuner, so you can simple put an antenna as well.

  2. I'm not 100% sure if touchsmart computers come with TV tuner cards. If they do, with a yellow-white-red cable, you connect the coax(single cable coming from your wall) into your directv receiver, and the yellow-white-red cable into the tv tuner card in the back of your PC or wherever.

    If they don't, you can get a USB one. A cheap one that would be suitable for a lot of people is

    You'll also need software to view the image. In case your PC does not come with video display software, you can use something called "dscaler" a free program.

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